- 17 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Version 4.30.0
- Updated on 17 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
New features and enhancements
Minimum supported version increased to Android 7 (API 24)
The minimum supported version of the SDK has been increased to Android 7 with API level 24.
Minimum supported version increased to iOS 14
The minimum supported version of the SDK has been increased to iOS 14.
Fixes and other updates
[INC0013599]-[MSS-10334, MSS-10108] Privacy manifest file removed
Following the recommendations from the latest Apple guidelines, empty privacy files have been removed from the static library.
Supported platforms
For information on the supported operating systems and platforms supported by Mobile Security Suite and the affiliated SDKs, see Supported platforms.
Known issues
For information on issues that have not yet been resolved in this release of Mobile Security Suite, see Known issues.
Third party licenses
For information on third party dependencies associated with Mobile Security Suite and the affiliated SDKs in this release, see Third party licenses.