Campaigns and rules
  • 21 Oct 2024
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Campaigns and rules

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Article summary

To ensure consistent Risk Analytics behavior, you need to import a set of campaigns, divisions, and rules specific for this demonstration. This means any customization done to your Risk Analytics environment will be reset after importing the demonstration campaigns and rules. The default campaigns, divisions, and rules typically found in a Risk Analytics environment for digital banking are present after the import, but all default campaigns are inactive.

The rules required for the demonstration scenarios have been logically grouped into four campaigns geared at non-monetary events and transactions. Because the PSD2 fallback rules (example: RA_07yy SCA - No Exemption) require the campaign to have the ContinueOnRuleMatch setting disabled, all PSD2 rules have been moved into dedicated PSD2 campaigns. The Risk Analytics demonstration provides the following campaigns:

  • 1. RA Demo NME Scenarii

    Contains all rules related to non-monetary events for all regular (i.e. non-PSD2) scenarios.

  • 1. RA Demo TXN Scenarii

    Contains the rules related to transactions for all regular (i.e. non-PSD2) scenarios.

  • 2. RA Demo NME Scenarii (PSD2)

    Contains all rules related to non-monetary events for all PSD2 scenarios.

  • 2. RA Demo TXN Scenarii (PSD2)

    Contains the rules related to transactions for all PSD2 scenarios.

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