- 09 Oct 2024
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Monitoring and Logging your Containers
- Updated on 09 Oct 2024
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Support for on-premises deployments, including those using Containers, ended on December 31, 2023.
For more information, please see our OneSpan Product Life Cycle page, and consult the OneSpan End of Life policy.
For any additional questions contact your Customer Service Representative.
The following procedures may be of use after OneSpan Sign has been deployed:
Viewing your Release History
To view the version history of your OneSpan Sign deployment:
Run the following command:
$ helm history oss
Helm will return a table that describes the version history of your OneSpan Sign deployment. For example:
1 | Mon Feb 21 15:48:27 2022 | superseded | oss-k8s.helm-0.0.4 | 11.47 | install complete |
2 | Mon Feb 28 11:39:03 2022 | deployed | oss-k8s.helm-0.0.4 | 11.47 | Upgrade complete |
Viewing your Containers' Status
After you boot up your OneSpan Sign stack, you may want to view the status of your pods.
To view the status of your OneSpan Sign containers:
Run the following command:
$ kubectl get pods -n my-namespace
The system will return a list that displays the status of each container. For example:
aspose-document-converter-569c848c64-8c8qb | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
backend-0 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 84m |
backend-admin-0 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 3d22h |
document-engine-99db59bf9-qrwpk | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
envoy-load-balancer-7d5cbb76b9-vxlwr | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
mysql-0 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
platform-0 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
platform-admin-0 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
platform-seed-7d847b9c88-9mtpx | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
remote-sign-authenticator-559fd55656-kcjfz | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
sender-ui-589fb95d47-d28wb | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
signer-ui-64cb67b57c-vknxz | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
sso-b4776bd94-tpjb5 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
sysinfo-6845dbb5c4-ndh86 | 1/1 | running | 0 | 7d5h |
Viewing your Service Logs
To view logged information about the performance of your OneSpan Sign installation:
Run the following command:
$ kubectl logs -f backend-0
Including -f in the preceding command enables you to follow the log streams as they appear.
Updating a Component's Docker Image
You may eventually need to deploy a new version of a specific OneSpan Sign component's Docker image. You can accomplish this by running the sequence of kubectl
commands below.
To update a OneSpan Sign component's Docker image:
Set the imagePullpolicy to Always by running the following command:
$ kubectl edit sts backend
Terminate the existing backend pods, since they're running with the old image. This is done by scaling the replicas down to zero via the following command:
$ kubectl scale sts backend --replicas=0
Use the following command to restart the pods with the new image:
$ kubectl scale sts backend --replicas=1
Once the pod is ready, the backend will run with the updated image, and will be ready to receive traffic.
Running Multiple Container Instances
Scaling — that is, running multiple instances of OneSpan Sign containers — increases the number of pods in use.
Scaling OneSpan Sign components is supported, subject to the following important limitation:
Scaling the following components to more than one replica may cause a failure, and should be avoided: