Version 4.28.0
  • 27 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Version 4.28.0

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Article summary

The WBC SDK API has been updated with new features and enhancements, including the ability to use multiple instances with different encryption keys for improved security. The White Box Table Generator tool now creates a .dat file for integration into mobile projects, currently available for Linux and Mac platforms. Windows support is in progress. iOS Bitcode support has been removed following Apple's deprecation. Users must update integrations to accommodate API changes and include the .dat file in projects. Technical documentation in the product package provides more information on API usage.

New features and enhancements

All platforms


The WBC SDK has been re-factored from a static method to an instance-based API. You may now use multiple instances of the WBC SDK, each with a different obfuscated encryption or decryption key to improve security of your apps.

New output for the White-Box Table Generator

The new, Java-based White-Box Table Generator tool creates a .dat file instead of source code files to be integrated into your mobile project.

At this time, the new White-Box Table Generator tool is only available for the Linux and Mac platforms. The tool is still being refined for Windows and will be available in an upcoming release.

You must review and update your integrations to accommodate the API changes and add the .dat file into your project. For more information about using the API, refer to the technical documentation included in the product package.


Bitcode support has been eliminated

Following the deprecation of Bitcode by Apple, we no longer support and have removed all Bitcode from the SDK framework.

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