- 28 Oct 2024
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Version 6.0.2 (November 2023)
- Updated on 28 Oct 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
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Supported platform versions
App Shielding version 6.0.2 was successfully tested with Android 14.
Android 5.0 (API level 21) – Android 14.
Shielding Tool:
Windows 10: 64-bit Java 17
Mac OSX (10.9+)
Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS
ShieldGradlePlugin version 2.0 and later are supported. ShieldGradlePlugin version 2 supports Android App Bundles and newer Android build versions.
Android platform updates
The Android minimum supported version is Lollipop-5.0 (API level 21).
This version of App Shielding supports Android 14.
As of July 1, 2022, App Shielding for Android version and earlier are no longer supported. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Customer Portal.
Platform minimum supported versions
Android 4.4 (API levels 19 and 20) are no longer supported by App Shielding. The new minimum supported version is Android Lollipop 5.0 (API level 21).
Android Native Development Kit (NDK)
Google has announced that Android Native Development Kit (NDK) (r26) will no longer support KitKat (API levels 19 and 20). The minimum version supported by the NDK for r26 will be Lollipop (API level 21).
App Shielding switches to NDK r26 after its release as LTS version.
New features and other updates
Multiple trusted displays
It is now possible to have multiple trusted displays. Several display names can be entered in the Additional Display Name field on the Configuration page of the OneSpan Customer Portal.
New configuration options
App Shielding now offers the following new options on the Configuration page of the OneSpan Customer Portal:
Exit on app in virtual space
Determines whether to exit the app when the application is launched via a virtual space app.
Exit on app in virtual space URL
Depends on: Exit on app in virtual space
Allow work profile and device vendor virtual spaces
This option was used to allow running the protected app in work profiles or managed devices provided by device vendors, even if the protected app should not be allowed to run inside a Virtual Space App. Work Profiles include Google Workspace, Samsung Secure Folder, Xiaomi Dual Apps, Microsoft Workspace, etc. However, a Work Profile is different from a Virtual Space App.
This option is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
Fixes and other changes
Deprecated features
Foreground override detection
The foreground override detection feature has been removed and is no longer supported. The related ShieldSDK-callback class ForegroundOverrideData may be removed any time.
setExtendedObserver, removeObserver methods
In module ShieldSDK-callbacks, package no.promon.shield.callbacks: In class "CallbackManager" the following methods have been deprecated:
- static void setExtendedObserver(Context, ExtendedObserver)
- static void removeObserver()
Instead of these, use the new methods:
- static void addObserver(Context, ExtendedObserver)
This allows to add more than one callback observer.
- static void removeObserver(ExtendedObserver)
To remove an observer instance, you need to pass the observer instance that you want to remove as an argument.
SHAND-1665: Fix information about more than one detected untrustred screenreader
Description: In module ShieldSDK-callbacks, package no.promon.shield.callbacks: If App Shielding is configured to check for trusted screenreaders, <checkTrustedScreenreaders v="true" />, the callback data ScreenreaderData has now information about all detected active, untrusted screenreaders. Previously the callback data reported only one of the detected active, untrusted screenreaders.
SHAND-3730: Fix unexpected termination in the Shielding Tool on detecting the supported architectures
Description: In some rare cases the Shielding Tool terminated unexpectedly with an UnsupportedOperationException when it tried to detect the set of supported native library architectures for the input application.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
SHAND-3784: Fix internal error reporting
Description: An internal error in App Shielding was sometimes reported as a HookingFrameworkException instead of an InternalErrorException.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
SHAND-3800: Fix unexpected termination on starting a shielded app on Lenovo TB-X104F, Android 8.1.0
Description: If the App Shielding configuration option advancedDebugGuard is enabled, the shielded app terminated unexpectedly on a Lenovo TB-X104F device.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The advancedDebugGuard configuration option increases the security of the shielded app.
SHAND-3909: Fix triggering of Exit on Hooking Frameworks URL
Description: Even if Shutdown Immediately is off, Exit On Hooking Frameworks URL was not triggered.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
SHAND-4017: False-positive root detection—MagiskDetector
Description: False-positive root detection was caused by the fact that the package name of this application starts with the magisk manager delta’s package name.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
Known limitations
The limitations described here have not yet been solved for the current Mobile Application Shielding version. Possible workarounds are described where available.
Android App Bundles
The OneSpan Customer Portal support for Android App Bundles does not yet include instant-enabled app bundles.
Detection of root hiding tool on new Android versions
Due to the nature of root hiding tools and the increasing restrictions Android imposes on applications as of Android 9, OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding may not be able to reliably detect a rooted device that uses root hiding tools.