How to use the OneSpan portals
  • 28 Mar 2025
  • 5 Minutes to read
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How to use the OneSpan portals

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Article summary

With the launch of our new OneSpan Mobile Portal, we have also started the process of decommissioning our previous portal, accessible via the OneSpan Customer Portal (legacy portal). For more information, see App Shielding Portal: Important Notice.

OneSpan Mobile Portal

To be able to shield your applications with the OneSpan Mobile Portal, the following steps are required:

  1. If you never used the portal before, set up your OneSpan Mobile Portal account.

  2. Create a project.

    A project contains the necessary elements to shield your application such as the app platform (Android or iOS), configuration options, and the version of App Shielding.

  3. Create a project configuration and shield your application.

    In the configuration of a project you specify the configuration options for your shieldings to fit your application’s security needs.

Set up your OneSpan Mobile Portal account

Your account on the OneSpan Mobile Portal is pre-configured to be used with two-factor authentication. Following the regular sign in with user name and password, you need to activate an authenticator and create a one-time password (OTP).

To set up an account

  1. Open a web browser and go to the OneSpan Mobile Portal.

  2. Enter your email address. This must be the same email address as the one you used for requesting access.

    The entries in this field are case-sensitive, so ensure that your email address is entered correctly and identical to how you entered it in the request access form.

  3. Enter the initial password that you have received via email.

  4. Click Sign in.

  5. Create a new password to replace the initial password.

  6. Set up two-factor authentication:

    1. Generate a one-time password (OTP) with an authenticator.

    2. After you received the activation details for the authenticator to be used with the OneSpan Mobile Portal, follow the instructions on the portal to set up the OTP sign in for two-factor authentication.

You are now ready to use your account.

Create a project

To start shielding your applications, you must create projects in the OneSpan Mobile Portal. A project contains the necessary elements to shield your application such as the app platform (Android or iOS), the platform-specific version of App Shielding you select, and configuration options you set.

To create a project

  1. Sign in to the OneSpan Mobile Portal.

    You are taken to the App Shielding Home page.

    OneSpan Mobile Portal: App Shielding Home page

  2. Click Create to create a new project for shielding your applications.

  3. In the Create project side bar, specify the project details:

    1. From the menu, select the platform of the application that you want to shield. With this, you select the version of App Shielding for the platform.

      Start with the most recent App Shielding version. You can change a project’s App Shielding version afterwards, if necessary.

      Specific versions of App Shielding and versions older than 12 months are archived to ensure you receive the latest security updates. All existing configurations can still be accessed and copied to newer versions.

    2. Enter a project name.

    3. (Optional) Enter a project description.

  4. Click Create.

  5. The OneSpan Mobile Portal creates the project and displays the Details page of your project with all relevant information.

    Here you can do the following:

    • Change the App Shielding version to be used for shielding your application.

    • Download the App Shielding SDK package (including a configuration demo, relevant files, and samples).

    • View and edit any existing projects and/or configurations.

    • Generate a configuration key (after you created the configuration).

App Shielding: Project Details page

To edit your project, click on the three dots in the project’s Details page.

App Shielding: Edit project menu

Create a project configuration and shield your application

You can configure App Shielding to fit your application security needs. To do so, create a configuration for your project where you specify the configuration options for your shieldings to fit your application’s security needs. Configurations are platform-specific.

For testing purposes, the OneSpan Mobile Portal offers the Debug mode. When enabled, a number of security features are disabled to facilitate app testing during development. The Debug mode must be disabled for production apps!

To create a project configuration and shield your application

  1. On the Details page of your project, in the Configuration section of the project details side bar, click Create configuration.

    The OneSpan Mobile Portal opens the Create configuration page and displays the available configuration options for the platform and App Shielding version you selected for your project.
    App Shielding: Create configuration

  2. Enable the options you require for the shielding of your app.

    For details about these options, see Configuration options for Android and Configuration options for iOS.

  3. Click Create.

    If you need to change the configuration options, you can always edit these by selecting the relevant project.

  4. After you have created your configuration, you are taken back to the project’s Details page.

  5. Add a file and proceed with the shielding of your app.

    You can add your files to be shielded to your project by selecting a file or simply via drag and drop. Once you add the file, the shielding process is triggered automatically. For more information about shielding your application, see Shielding.

Once created, a configuration can be updated, duplicated, or deleted, and you can edit the project name and description. You can also change the App Shielding version you would like to use for the shielding process.

For production purposes, a configuration can be frozen (i.e. it can no longer be updated) by generating the configuration key which is an API key. If the configuration needs to be updated, the configuration key must be removed.

The configuration key is required to access the OneSpan Mobile Portal via REST Web services.

The configuration key is sensitive data that must be stored securely.

OneSpan Customer Portal

This portal is in the process of being decommissioned. For more information, see App Shielding Portal: Important Notice.

To configure App Shielding using the OneSpan Customer Portal

  1. Open a web browser and go to the OneSpan Customer Portal at

  2. Sign in to the OneSpan Customer Portal.


    OneSpan Customer Portal – Login page

  3. Create a new configuration or edit an existing one, as needed.



    OneSpan Customer Portal – Configuration list

Once created, a configuration can be updated, duplicated, or deleted.



OneSpan Customer Portal – Configuration page

For production purposes, a configuration can be frozen (i.e. it can no longer be updated) by generating an API key. If the configuration needs to be updated, the API key must be removed.

The API key will be required to access the OneSpan Customer Portal via REST Web services (see Automated shielding).

The API key is sensitive data that must be stored securely.

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