- 04 Dec 2024
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Overview of the Secure Messaging SDK Client
- Updated on 04 Dec 2024
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The Secure Messaging SDK Client decrypts message requests that are generated on the server-side by the Digipass SDK. It can be used on a variety of devices and supports the following platforms:
minimum Android 7 (API level 24)
target Android 14 (API level 34)
iOS 14 and later
Swift 5.0 and later
Xcode 15 and later
The Secure Messaging SDK Client package includes the following:
SecureMessagingSDKClient.aar for Android
MSSSecureMessagingClient.xcframework for iOS
As of OneSpan Mobile Security Suite 4.20.0, the integration of the Secure Messaging SDK Client has changed for Android and iOS. For instructions on how to integrate the SDK, see Integrate the Secure Messaging SDK Client for more information.