Transaction Analytics
  • 28 Mar 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Transaction Analytics

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Article summary

Administrators can now utilize our user-friendly analytic dashboards to thoroughly analyze and evaluate the performance of transactions. This innovative feature empowers administrators to gain valuable insights into transactional activities, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize processes effectively. With these intuitive dashboards, administrators can effortlessly track transaction trends, identify potential issues, and enhance overall transaction efficiency. Additionally, these dashboards provide comprehensive data visualization tools, allowing administrators to visualize transaction data in a clear and concise manner. This enhanced visibility enables administrators to monitor transaction performance in real-time, ensuring seamless operations and maximizing productivity.

This feature is only available for users with Admin or Manager roles, or users with the Reports permission enabled for them.

To enable this feature, contact our Support Team.

This feature is now available in all environments, with the exception of FedRAMP environments. For more information see Unsupported FedRAMP features.

The following dashboards are available through the Reports menu:

Transaction Performance

This dashboard provides the following:

  • An overall view of transaction status, including a completion rate

  • Transaction trends over a specified period of time

  • Transaction status by sender or transaction



'Created between' filter

Automatically sets the date range from the past 30 days to the present day for transaction creation. Users can modify the date range.

'Sent by'

Shows all senders' email addresses, including sub-accounts. Supports localization. Users can filter transactions by sender.

'Refine transactions' drop-down

Narrows down transactions by name. Displays transactions for the sender within the 'Created between' date range. Supports localization.

'Total Created' widget

Provides an overview of the total transactions made by the chosen sender within the specified date range.

'Sent Ratio' widget

Shows the proportion of dispatched transactions (COMPLETED, ARCHIVED, IN-PROGRESS) relative to the total transactions created by the chosen sender within the specified date range.

'Completion Rate' widget

Shows the proportion of completed transactions (COMPLETED and ARCHIVED) relative to the total transactions, excluding DRAFT status, for the sender within the specified date range.

'Failure Rate' widget

Shows the proportion of unsuccessful transactions (DECLINED and EXPIRED) out of the total transactions, excluding DRAFT status, for the sender within the specified date range.

'All Transactions' bar chart

Shows the total count of transaction statuses based on filters. Supports localization. 'STATUS' is the X-axis. Possible values: DRAFT, IN PROGRESS, DECLINED, EXPIRED, COMPLETED.

'Transaction Status Trend' line chart

Shows monthly transaction statuses based on creation dates. Uses creation date on the X-axis. Displays current status of transactions initiated on that day.

'Sent Transaction Status Breakdown' donut chart

Shows the count and percentage of sent transaction statuses based on filters. Supports localization. Transactions are categorized by 'STATUS'. Possible values: IN PROGRESS, DECLINED, EXPIRED, COMPLETED.

'Transactions Performance Trend' line chart

Shows rates of decline, expiration, and completion for transactions based on selected filters. Uses creation date on the X-axis. Supports localization.

'Transaction Status Details'

Provides a structured view of raw data for visuals. Users can download data in CSV or Excel format. Sortable columns. Default display of 100 transactions, with pagination options. Supports localization. Columns: Transaction Name, Transaction ID, Sender Email, Status, Created, Updated, Completed.

Transaction Velocity

This dashboard helps in analyzing the time taken for transactions to move through various stages to completion.



'Created between' filter

Default date range is the last 30 days to the current day for transaction creation. Users can change the date range.

'Sent by'

Displays all senders' email IDs, including sub-accounts. Supports localization. Users can filter transactions by sender.

'Refine transactions' drop-down

Filters transactions by name. Lists transactions for the sender within the 'Created between' date range. Supports localization.

'Transaction Velocity Trend' line chart

Shows average time from creation to sent and sent to completed per month. Uses creation date on the X-axis. Supports localization.

'Transaction Velocity Details' bar chart

Categorizes transactions by 'sent to completed' time and shows aggregate counts. Uses 'completion time category' on the X-axis. Categories: '< 1 Hour', '1 - 6 Hours', '6 - 12 Hours', '12 - 24 Hours', '1 - 2 Days', '2 - 7 Days', '7 - 21 Days', '21+ Days'. Supports localization. Excludes transactions without a completed date.

'Transaction Velocity Details'

Tabular view of raw data used for visuals. Users can download data in CSV or Excel format. Sortable columns. Default display of 100 transactions, with pagination options. Supports localization. Columns: Transaction Name, Transaction ID, Sender Email, Created, Created to Sent (hours), Sent to Completed (hours).

Transaction Volume

This dashboard helps in analyzing the transaction volume and status trends across months, which in turn could help to identify patterns and performance trends.



'Created between' filter

Default date range is the last 12 months to the current month for transaction creation. Users can change the date range.

'Sent by'

Displays all senders' email IDs, including sub-accounts. Supports localization. Users can filter transactions by sender.

'Transactions Volume Trend' line chart

Shows aggregate count of transaction status per month based on creation date. Uses month of transaction creation date. Supports localization.

'Transaction volume per month'

Tabular view of raw data used for visuals. Users can download data in CSV or Excel format. Sortable columns. Default display of 12 months of data, with pagination options. Supports localization. Columns: Month, Total Created, Draft, Sent, Completed, Declined, Expired.

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