Error Handling in Orchestration (Legacy)
  • 29 Oct 2024
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Error Handling in Orchestration (Legacy)

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Article summary

Error Handling in Orchestration (Legacy)The following is an overview of possible orchestration errors in Intelligent Adaptive Authentication.

Orchestration errors

Error message

Error type

Scenario where error occurs


Invalid Request ID

System error

Online activation

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication December Release - 22.R4 and later, this error occurs for remote transaction verification, when the set time limit (default: 60 seconds) is exceeded.

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication August Release - 22.R3 and earlier, this is specified as an orchestration transaction error (error code –8006) in the client (mobile) side of the Orchestration SDK.

Unable to generate ephemeral key during activation step 1.

System error

Online activation

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication December Release - 22.R4 and later, this error occurs in the following situations:

  1. The user requests an activation password (via the POST /users/register endpoint), enters an expired activation password, and at the same time receives a new requested activation password.

  2. The user enters an incorrect activation password but the password checksum passes.

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication August Release - 22.R3 and earlier, this is specified as an unknown orchestration error (error code –8000) in the client (mobile) side of the Orchestration SDK.

Unable to find registration code in Shared Cache

System error

Online activation

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication December Release - 22.R4 and later, this error occurs in the following situations:

  1. The user requests an activation password (via the POST /users/register endpoint), receives the activation password, and enters it after it has expired.

  2. The user enters an invalid user name.

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication August Release - 22.R3 and earlier, this is specified as an unknown orchestration error (error code –8000) in the client (mobile) side of the Orchestration SDK.

An unknown error has occurred.

System error

Online activation

An assigned authenticator gets unassigned during a remote authentication operation.

In versions Intelligent Adaptive Authentication December Release - 22.R4 and later, this error occurs when the following sequence of events takes place:

  1. The user requests an activation password (via the POST /users/register endpoint).

  2. The user receives the activation password but does not use it as is.

  3. The user requests a new password (again via the POST /users/register endpoint).

  4. The user enters an old activation password (that is still within the previous grace period).

Could not process encrypted message

System error

Online activation

Failed to encrypt data

System error

Online activation

The registration session was not found

System error

Online activation

Failed to parse command

System error

Online activation

Push Notification with invalid orchestration command received.

Unable to generate activation message during activation step 2.

System error

Online activation

Unable to add device during activation step 3.

System error

Online activation

Unable to find an element during activation step 3.

System error

Online activation

Unable to activate device during activation step 4.

System error

Online activation

Unable to find an element during activation step 4.

System error

Online activation

Unable to find an element during register notification.

System error

Online activation

Unable to send remote authentication.

System error

Remote authentication

Unable to send remote transaction.

System error

Remote transaction

Unable to find an element during check mobile event.

System error

Online activation

Unable to find an element during encryption of response command.

System error

Online activation

Unable to encode mobile response.

System error

Online activation

The authenticator limit has been reached

Business error

  • Online activation

  • Login

  • Authentication

  • Transaction

multi-device activation - a user activates a mobile device that uses Orchestration SDK too often.

For a detailed explanation regarding the restriction on the number of assigned authenticators, see New restriction on number of assigned authenticators, but limit on derived authenticator instances removed in the Intelligent Adaptive Authentication Release Notes September 2021.

The maximum number of authenticator instances that can be activated based on the given license has been exceeded. Please contact your admin to reset the activation count

Business error

Online activation

This error occurs when the number of activation attempts exceeds the threshold of allowed attempts.

However, this message no longer occurs with the September 2021 update (see  New restriction on number of assigned authenticators, but limit on derived authenticator instances removed in the Intelligent Adaptive Authentication Release Notes September 2021)

For a detailed explanation regarding the restriction on the number of assigned authenticators, see Limited number of authenticator instances in the Intelligent Adaptive Authentication Release Notes March 2021

User is disabled

Business error

  • Online activation

  • Login

  • Authentication

  • Transaction

The user is disabled during remote authentication and remote transaction

Authentication failed

Business error

  • Online activation

  • Login

  • Authentication

  • Transaction

The authenticator application is deactivated during remote authentication and remote transaction (Secure Channel online or Challenge/Response offline)

User account not found

Business error

  • Online activation

  • Login

  • Authentication

  • Transaction

An invalid user ID is provided during login, remote authentication or remote transaction

User is locked

Business error

  • Online activation

  • Login

  • Authentication

  • Transaction

The user is locked due to inactivity during a longer period.

Number of activation attempts exceeds number allowed

Business error

Online activation

multi-device activation - a user activates a mobile device that uses Orchestration SDK too often but no authenticator instances are available.

No authenticators available

Business error

Online activation

multi-device activation - a user activates a mobile device that uses Orchestration SDK too often but no authenticator instances are available.

Authenticator not supported

Business error

Online activation

An invalid authenticator type is provided.

Static password has expired

Business error

Online activation

This error occurs when a user provides an expired static password when they request an activation password (via the POST /users/register endpoint).

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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