Integration of the FIDO ASMs on iOS
  • 04 Dec 2024
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Integration of the FIDO ASMs on iOS

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Article summary

Before you integrate the FIDO ASM with the Tutorial App Plus application on iOS and/or Android, ensure that the FIDO Server has been configured correctly. For more information, see Configuration of the FIDO Server and the NokNok Labs documentation.


Follow the steps below to integrate the ASMs on iOS.

To integrate the OneSpanFIDO ASMs on iOS with the Tutorial App Plus application

  1. Copy all required ASM frameworks and their dependencies (libraries) to a directory in the Tutorial App Plus, e.g. TutorialAppPlus/.../Frameworks.

    If you chose a different directory than TutorialAppPlus/.../Frameworks, you need to configure search paths in the build settings for the frameworks and their dependencies.

  2. Integrate the Presence ASM in your app—see Integration of the Presence ASM for more detailed information.

  3. Integrate the User Input ASM (PIN/password) in your app—see Integration of the User Input ASM for more detailed information.

  4. Integrate the Native Biometric Authentication ASM—see Integration of the Native Biometric Authentication ASM for more detailed information.

  5. (OPTIONAL) Embed an authenticator—see Embedding of an authenticator for more detailed information.

The following examples illustrates how to add all OneSpanFIDO ASMs to the AppDelegate class:


//Add presence authenticator to ASM
//Add Touch ID authenticator to ASM
//Add Face ID authenticator to ASM
//Add PIN/Password authenticator to ASM


// Add presence authenticator to ASM
// Add Touch ID authenticator to ASM
// Add Face ID authenticator to ASM
// Add PIN/Password authenticator to ASM
  1. Configure your server URLs in the Constant.h file.
    You need to modify the endpoints of the following constants:





    • APPID

  2. Customize the transaction screen—Common ASM; see Integration of the Common ASM—Customization of the Transaction Screen for more detailed information.

  3. Customize the anti-hammering protection; see Customization of the Anti-hammering Protection for more detailed information.

  4. Run the Tutorial App Plus application.

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