  • 19 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

This guide provides developer-focused technical details on how to integrate the OneSpan FIDO UAF Client SDK and its authenticators into a FIDO application and a FIDO Server. It also provides information on how to configure a FIDO Server.

Who should read this guide?

This document is intended for:

  • Intermediate Android developers with an intermediate working knowledge of Kotlin, Java, Android Studio, Gradle, and the Android APIs

  • Intermediate iOS developers with an intermediate working knowledge of Swift, Xcode, and the iOS APIs

In addition, familiarity with the use of REST APIs, HTTP, and TLS is recommended.

Supported platforms

The FIDO UAF Client SDK can be used on different devices and supports the following platforms:

Android devices:

  • Minimum Android 7 (API level 24)

  • Target Android 15 (API level 35)

iOS devices:

  • iOS 14 or higher

  • Swift 5.0 or higher

  • Xcode 15 or higher

Package contents

The FIDO Authentication solution product package contains the following:

  • FIDO Authentication Solution Guide

  • Metadata for different authenticators

  • API documentation

  • Sample apps for Android and iOS

  • Android: FidoUafClient.aar

  • iOS: MssFidoUafClient.xcframework

Providing feedback

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To recognize the particular guide you are referring to, please include the following information in your subject header: FIDO-ASM-SDK-IG-5.0.0-en‑2024-10-18

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