• 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2CINIT_AProcess(TCinitHandle*   CHandle,
                             TKernelParms*      CallParms,
                             aat_ascii*         DataRecord,
                             aat_ascii*         Serial_No,
                             aat_ascii*         DIGIPASSType,
                             aat_ascii*         AuthMode,
                             TDigipassBlob*     DPData);


This function is used to import a authenticator application BLOB (DPData parameter) describing an instance of one authenticator application and to retrieve other characteristics. Its serial number and application name are returned in Serial_No. The physical Digipass device type is returned in DigipassType, and the authentication mode to be used with this authenticator application is returned in AuthMode.

The calling application passes DataRecord that is read from the CINIT_A.DGP file, and indicates the binary or Base64 BLOB format using the CHandle->DataModel property.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2CINIT_Process)
TCinitHandle *CHandleIPointer to the handle used during the CINIT_A.DGP file import operation initialized by AAL2CINIT_APrepare. The calling program must indicate which DataModel is requested for DPData.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii *DataRecordI64-byte CINIT_A.DGP file data record. This record describes a authenticator application, and its first character is 1.
aat_ascii *Serial_NoOString of 22 characters, composed of the 10-digit Digipass device serial number concatenated with its 12-digit application name. This represents a logical instance of a Digipass cryptographic application with its unique secrets and parameters. It may be used as a search key to access your Digipass database (recommended buffer size is 23 bytes).
aat_ascii *DIGIPASSTypeO

String of 5 characters. Gives the physical Digipass device type. It may be used for information purposes, or to determine which flashing pattern protocol to use to send data through the device's optical interface, if any.

Possible values:

  • DP300
  • DP500

(Recommended buffer size is 6 bytes.)

aat_ascii *AuthModeO

String of 2 characters. Defines the authenticator application authentication mode.

Possible value:

RO: Response-Only

(Recommended buffer size is 3 bytes.)

TDigipassBlob *DPDataO

authenticator application BLOB. Upon return from the function call, this BLOB must be rewritten to the application database to reflect changes.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2DPXCINIT_Process)
0Success511Invalid serial number pointer
506Invalid CINIT handle pointer512Invalid AuthMode pointer
508Invalid header record513Invalid data record
509Invalid CINI data pointer515Invalid Digipass type pointer
510Invalid Digipass data pointer  

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