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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2DP500Test (aat_ascii*    TestCode,
                         aat_ascii*       HostDateTime,
                         aat_int32*       ClockShift);


The Digipass 500 model has a specific T-button that produces a Digipass TestCode using fixed secret data common to all Digipass 500 devices. Thus, the time synchronization mechanism can be tested easily, and the exact ClockShift that may exist between a Digipass 500 and the host GMT clock (HostDateTime) is given in seconds.



  Table: Parameters (AAL2DP500Test)
aat_ascii *TestCodeIString of six numeric characters, null-terminated or padded with spaces. This parameter holds the Digipass code that is generated and displayed by Digipass 500 after pressing the T-button.
aat_ascii *HostDateTime O

Host GMT date and time value, expressed in this format:

 Ddd Mmm DD HH:MM:SS YYYY, e.g. Fri Sep 17 15:01:35 1999

aat_int32 *ClockShift ODifference in seconds between the internal clock of Digipass 500 and the host system GMT time. This value is only significant when the function return code is 0, otherwise it has a fixed value of 99999999.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2DP500Test)
0Success-107Challenge number wrong
1Code not verified-108Challenge character invalid
142Invalid TestCode pointer-201Response length out of bounds
143Invalid HostDateTime pointer-202Response too short
144Invalid ClockShift pointer-203Response too long
-101Challenge too short-204Response check digit wrong
-102Challenge too long-205Response character not decimal
-103Challenge check digit wrong-206Response character not hexadecimal
-105Challenge minimum length not allowed-207Response character set not specified
-106Challenge maximum length not allowed  

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