  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2DPXGetMessageVector(
                                  TDPXHandle*     dpx_Handle,
                                  TKernelParms*   CallParms,
                                  aat_ascii*      MessageVector,
                                  aat_int32*      MessageVectorLength);


This function is used to retrieve the message vector (if present) from a DPX file. It holds the message parameters settings necessary for message generation applicable with a certain category of Digipass devices:

  • Software or hardware Digipass authenticators compliant with the multi-device activation (in the context of multi-device licensing). For more information, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK Product Guide.
  • Software or hardware Digipass authenticators able to perform operations based on the Secure Channel protocol. For more information, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK Product Guide.

The message vector is used by:

  • AAL2GenPayloadKeyBLOB, AAL2GenMessageActivation1, AAL2GenMessageActivation2, and AAL2GenMessageDeactivation to generate multi-device activations.
  • AAL2GenMessageRequest to generate Secure Channel messages.

AAL2DPXGetMessageVector must be called after AAL2DPXInit and before AAL2DPXGetTokenBLOBsEx or AAL2DPXGetTokenBLOBsEx2.

The output message vector is a 26+1 character string ending with the null character.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2DPXGetMessageVector)
TDPXHandle *dpx_HandleI/OPointer to the handle used during the DPX file import operation. This block must be the one initialized by the AAL2DPXInit function.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii *MessageVectorO

String of 26+1 characters, null-terminated containing the message vector to use for all messages that will be generated by Authentication Suite Server SDK related to a license of the imported DPX file.

aat_int32 *MessageVectorLenI/OIn input, this parameter must indicate the size of the allocated buffer for the MessageVector parameter (recommended 27 bytes). In output, this parameter indicates the length of the MessageVector string (without the null-terminated character).

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2DPXGetMessageVector)
0Success-1504Invalid handle context eyecatcher
-1500Cannot allocate memory-1505Invalid handle key eyecatcher
-1501Handle pointer is null-1522Output buffer pointer is null
-1502Handle context is pointer null-1535Invalid message vector in DPX
-1503Handle key is pointer null-1536Invalid message vector length

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