This function is used to initialize the import process of a DIGIPASS export file (DPX) file, which involves the following steps:
Opening the DPX file, using its name (pFileName)
Verifying the software transport key (InitKey)
Initializing the handle dpx_Handle
Returning the number of applications defined in the DPX file into appl_count, the list of application names into appl_names, and the total number of defined Digipass authenticators into token_count.
Table: Parameters (AAL2DPXInit)
TDPXHandle *
Handle pointer used during the DPX file import operation. This block must be acquired by the calling application, and will be initialized by this function. It must be passed to other functions working on the DPX file such as AAL2DPXGetToken, AAL2DPXGetStaticVector, or AAL2DPXClose.
aat_ascii *
Path to the DPX file to open. Only characters of the 7-bit ASCII printable character set are supported.
aat_ascii *
A string of 32 or 64 hexadecimal digits representing the DPX file software transport key.
aat_int16 *
Points to a short integer where the function returns the number of applications described in the DPX file. The application names are listed in the appl_names parameter.
aat_ascii *
Points to a 96 + 1-byte area where the function returns the list of available application names. Each application name has a fixed length of 12 characters, left-aligned and padded with spaces, if necessary. The list contains a maximum of 8 application names (recommended buffer size is 97 bytes).
aat_int16 *
Points to a short integer where the function returns the number of Digipass authenticators contained in this DPX file.
Return codes
Table: Return codes (AAL2DPXInit)
Error DH created by content
Error null pointer
Error DC HSH content
Error bad argument
Error DC DEL content
Error DPX clear failed
Error DEL value
Error DES calculation
Error DF field name
Error InitKey length
Error DF descriptor
Error InitKey value
Error DA record
Error file open failed
Error Digipass descriptor
Error file rewind failed
Error Digipass unknown descriptor
Error file not open
Error CT field type
Error file not closed
Error DE DEF records content
Error fatal error
Error DE data records content
Error too many errors
Error DE tokens content
Error void text
Cannot allocate memory
Error no DF records
Handle pointer is null
Error unexpected content
InitKey pointer is null
Error line exhausted
File name pointer is null
Error missing quotes
Application count pointer is null
Error missing field name
Application name pointer is null
Error bad field name
Token count pointer is null
Error bad field type
Invalid response length with Digipass algorithm in DPX
Error field size
Invalid return host code length with Digipass algorithm in DPX
Error DH file content
Invalid timer unit for OCRA in DPX
Error DH date content
Invalid response or host code length in DPX
Error DH version content
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