• 22 Jan 2025
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This function is deprecated! It does not support the new AES-encrypted DPX files introduced in Authentication Suite 4.0.

Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2DPXInitEx( TDPXHandle*      dpx_Handle,
                         aat_ascii*       pFileName,
                         aat_ascii*       InitKey,
                         aat_ascii*       OperKey,
                         aat_ascii*       AdminKey,
                         aat_int16*       appl_count,
                         aat_ascii*       appl_names,
                         aat_int16*       token_count);


This function initiates the import process by opening the DPX file (pFileName), deriving the transport key (InitKey) through the operator key (OperKey) and the administrator key (AdminKey). It returns the number of applications defined in the DPX file, the list of applications names, and the total number of defined Digipass authenticators. AAL2DpxInitEx just adds an operator and admin key that may be added using the Digipass Programmer, which is a similar operating mode to AAL2DPXInit.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2DPXInitEx)
TDPXHandle *dpx_HandleI/O

Pointer to the handle used during the DPX file import operation.

This block must be acquired by the calling application and will be initialized by this function. It must be passed to the AAL2DPXGetToken and AAL2DPXClose functions.

aat_ascii *pFileNameIPath to the DPX file to open. Only characters of the 7-bit ASCII printable character set are supported.

aat_ascii *

InitKeyIA string of 32 or 64 hexadecimal digits representing the DPX file software transport key.
aat_ascii *OperKeyIThis is a string of 16 hexadecimal digits representing the operator encryption key. In the Digipass Programmer documentation, it is referred to as KEY 1.
aat_ascii *AdminKeyIThis is a string of 16 hexadecimal digits representing the administrator encryption key. In the Digipass Programmer documentation, it is referred to as KEY 2.
aat_int16 *appl_countOPoints to a short integer where the function returns the number of applications described in the DPX file. The application names are listed in the appl_names argument.
aat_ascii *appl_namesOPoints to a 96 + 1-byte area where the function returns the list of available application names. Each application name has a fixed length of 12 characters, left-aligned and padded with spaces if necessary. The list contains a maximum of 8 application names (recommended buffer size is 97 bytes).
aat_int16 *token_countOPoints to a short integer where the function returns the number of Digipass authenticators contained in this DPX file.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2DPXInitEx)
0Success-103Error DH created by content
-10Error null pointer-200Error DC HSH content
-11Error bad argument-201Error DC DEL content
-12Error DPX clear failed-203Error DEL value
-13Error DES calculation-300Error DF field name
-14Error InitKey length-301Error DF descriptor
-15Error InitKey value-400Error DA record
-20Error file open failed-501Error Digipass descriptor
-22Error file rewind failed-502Error Digipass unknown descriptor
-23Error file not open-800Error CT field type
-24Error file not closed-900Error DE DEF records content
-30Error fatal error-901Error DE data records content
-32Error too many errors-902Error DE tokens content
-40Error void text-1500Cannot allocate memory
-42Error no DF records-1501Handle pointer is null
-45Error unexpected content-1508InitKey pointer is null
-46Error line exhausted-1509File name pointer is null
-47Error missing quotes-1511Application count pointer is null
-48Error missing field name-1512Application name pointer is null
-49Error bad field name-1513Token count pointer is null
-50Error bad field type-1523Invalid response length with Digipass algorithm in DPX
-51Error field size-1524Invalid return host code length with Digipass algorithm in DPX
-100Error DH file content-1532Invalid time step with OCRA
-101Error DH date content-1533Invalid response or host code length in DPX
-102Error DH version content  

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