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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GenActivationDataRndKey (
                                      TDigipassBlob   *DPData[8],
                                      aat_int16       *Appl_Count,
                                      TKernelParms    *CallParms,
                                      aat_ascii       *aStaticVectorIn,
                                      aat_ascii       *aSharedData,
                                      aat_ascii       *aAlea,
                                      aat_int32        *ActivationFlags,
                                      aat_ascii       *aSerialNumberSuffix,
                                      aat_ascii       *aXFAD,
                                      aat_ascii       *aXERC);


This function generates software Digipass activation data with randomDigipass key generation for software Digipass authenticators compliant with the standard one-step activation (in the context of single-device licensing); for more informaion, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK Product Guide. Either an activation code or full activation data (FAD) are generated:

  • The activation code can be used for an offline activation workflow (offline activation mode). This activation code will become an encrypted activation code if the aSharedData and/or aAlea parameters are used.
  • The FAD can be used for an online activation workflow (online activation mode). This FAD will become an encrypted full activation data (XFAD) if the aSharedData and/or aAlea parameters are used.

For software Digipass authenticators based on Digipass SDK 4.0 or later, the activation mode depends on the content of the ActivationFlags input parameter pointer.

For earlier software Digipass authenticators based on the Digipass SDK prior to version 4.0, by default, the activation mode depends on the static vector configuration and content. It can be forced to offline activation mode, setting the appropriate flag in the ActivationFlags input parameter pointer.

This function can also generate:

  • Either an event reactivation counter (ERC), if both the aSharedData and aAlea parameters are set to NULL, or
  • An encrypted event reactivation counter (XERC), if the aSharedData and/or aAlea parameters are used.

For software Digipass authenticators based on Digipass SDK prior to version 4.0, it is not allowed to use aSharedData and/or aAlea for the offline activation mode.

This function extends the former AAL2GenActivationCodeXErc function, adding the generation of a new random Digipass key.

To generate activation data for a software Digipass authenticator using this function, it is mandatory to provide all the corresponding customer authenticator application BLOBs. The function will fail if not all customer authenticator application BLOBs of the related software Digipass authenticators are provided.

In addition, a new random key will be generated for the software Digipass authenticator and will replace the previous one.

The generated [encrypted] activation code (or [X]FAD) will be related to the new software Digipass key, and the authenticator application BLOBs will be updated with the new software Digipass key.

Buffers must be mandatorily allocated for aSerialNumberSuffix, aXFAD, and aXERC.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GenActivationDataRndKey)
TDigipassBlob * [8]DPDataI/OArray of authenticator application BLOB pointers. Upon return from the function call, these BLOBs must be rewritten to the application database to reflect the changes.
aat_int16Appl_countINumber of applications in the authenticator application BLOB array. (1 to 8).
TKernelParms * CallParms IStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii * aStatic VectorIn ISoftware Digipass parameter settings, up to 4094 characters, null-terminated.
aat_ascii * aSharedDataI

Data used to encrypt the activation data. Up to 512* characters, null-terminated. Set to NULL if no shared data used by the software Digipass activation process.

*Shared data plus alea must not exceed 512 characters.

aat_ascii * aAleaI

Encryption diversifier pseudo-randomly generated. Up to 512* characters. Set to NULL if no alea is used by the software Digipass activation process.

*Shared data plus alea must not exceed 512 characters.

aat_int32 * Activation Flags I

Integer value that specifies the activation mode used for generating activation data (online or offline activation mode.) The ActivationFlags value can be either set to 0x0 or 0x1. Table: Possible ActivationFlags pointed values (AAL2GenActivationCodeXErc) lists the possible values for ActivationFlags.

aat_ascii *aSerial NumberSuffix O

String of up to 14+1 null-terminated digits representing the last 7 digits of the Digipass serial number.

14+1 null-terminated digits in case of software Digipass authenticators based on the Digipass SDK prior to version 4.0 (SN suffix formatted with inserted 0).

7+1 null-terminated digits in case of software Digipass authenticators based on the Digipass SDK 4.0 or later.

 aSerialNumberSuffix buffer must have at least 15 bytes allocated.

aat_ascii *aXFADO

String of up to 4142+1 characters, null-terminated. This parameter holds either the [encrypted] activation code (in case of offline mode) or the [encrypted] full activation data ([X]FAD) (in case of online mode).

The aXFAD buffer must have at least 4143 bytes allocated.

aat_ascii *aXERCO

String of up to 91+1 characters, null-terminated. If this parameter is NULL, the event reactivation counter will not be generated. This parameter holds either the event reactivation counter (ERC) (if both the SharedData and Alea parameters are set to NULL) or the encrypted event reactivation counter (XERC) (if the SharedData and/or Alea parameters are not set to NULL).

If not NULL, the aXERC buffer must have at least 92 bytes allocated.

  Table:  Possible ActivationFlags pointed values (AAL2GenActivationCodeXErc)

Online activation mode for software Digipass authenticators based on the Digipass SDK 4.0 or later (function generates an [X]FAD).

The activation mode configured in the static vector for software Digipass authenticators based on the Digipass SDK prior to version 4.0, online or offline (the function generates an [X]FAD or an activation code depending on static vector content).

ACTV_OFFLINE0x00000001Offline activation mode (function generates an [encrypted] activation code).

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GenActivationDataRndKey)
0Success570Invalid static vector version
147Invalid ActivationCode pointer571Invalid application index in static vector
164Invalid serial number suffix pointer572Missing application key type in static vector
412Invalid checksum573Serial number suffix not decimal
413Invalid Base64 format574Invalid serial number prefix in SV
510Invalid Digipass data pointer575Invalid event reactivation counter pointer
537Invalid static vector pointer576Digipass data does not match with SV
543Activation code generation not supported578Invalid BLOB status
545Invalid static vector length579Alea or shared data not allowed
546Invalid activation code format in static vector807Serial number not equal
547Alea is too long808Invalid application count value (1 to 8.)
548Shared data too long1000Function does not support EMV-CAP
549Alea + shared data too long1103Unlock Version 2 not supported
567Invalid activation flags value1118Unsupported BLOB
568Invalid DP+ application in Digipass data-1501Memory allocation failed
569Invalid application name in Digipass data  

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