  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GenerateChallenge (
                                 TDigipassBlob*   DPData,
                                 TKernelParms*    CallParms,
                                 aat_ascii*       Challenge,
                                 aat_int32*       ChallengeLength);


If a user's Digipass has been programmed to operate in Challenge/Response authentication mode, the authentication application must generate a random challenge suitable for the user's Digipass, and then prompt the user to enter the proposed challenge into the Digipass authenticator to generate a dynamic password. This function obtains the challenge characteristics information of the user's authenticator application from the authenticator application BLOB and generates the appropriate challenge. The user enters the challenge into the Digipass authenticator to generate a dynamic password that will be validated through the AAL2VerifyPassword API call. ChallengeLength is automatically calculated and is returned to the application.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GenerateChallenge)
TDigipassBlob *DPDataI/Oauthenticator application BLOB. Upon return from the function call, this BLOB must be rewritten to the application database to reflect changes.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii *ChallengeOString of up to 17 numeric characters, which the user needs to enter into the Digipass authenticator to produce a dynamic password (recommended buffer size is 18 bytes).
aat_int32 *ChallengeLength OPointer to a long integer that contains the length of the generated challenge.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GenerateChallenge)
0Success1000Function does not support EMV-CAP
132Unsupported token type1103Unlock Version 2 not supported
135Invalid challenge pointer1116Response check digit not allowed
136Invalid ChallengeLength pointer1117Challenge check digit not allowed
137Challenge not supported1118Unsupported BLOB
412Invalid checksum-105Challenge minimum length not allowed
413Invalid Base64 format-106Challenge maximum length not allowed
510Invalid Digipass data pointer-1501Memory allocation failed

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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