- 22 Jan 2025
- 3 Minutes à lire
- SombreLumière
- Mis à jour le 22 Jan 2025
- 3 Minutes à lire
- SombreLumière
Function prototype
aat_int32 AAL2GenGenActivationDataRndKeyCmd(
aat_byte *Cmd,
aat_int32 *CmdSize,
TDigipassBlob *DPData [8],
aat_int16 Appl_count,
TKernelParms *CallParms,
aat_ascii *aStorageKeyNameIn,
aat_ascii *aIVIn,
aat_ascii *aStaticVectorIn,
aat_ascii *aSharedData,
aat_ascii *aAlea,
aat_int32 ActivationFlags);
This function creates a command for the HSM to generate software Digipass activation data with a random key for software Digipass authenticators compliant with the standard one-step activation (in the context of single-device licensing; for more information, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK Product Guide), using the given data, and to return a result in the form of a reply.
The software Digipass activation data with random key generation on the HSM is the same functionality as available with the Authentication Suite Server SDK Software Digipass Activation Service. For information on the associated function (AAL2GenActivationDataRndKey), refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDKC-C++ Programmer's Guide.
- To generate activation data for a software Digipass authenticator using this function, it is mandatory to provide all the corresponding customer authenticator application BLOBs. The function will fail if not all the customer authenticator application BLOBs of the related software Digipass authenticators are provided.
- In addition, a new random key will be generated for the software Digipass authenticator and will replace the previous one.
- In the post-HSM API function, the generated [encrypted] activation code (or [X]FAD) will be related to the new software Digipass key, and the resulting authenticator application BLOBs will be updated with the new software Digipass key.
- This function serializes an important amount of data. The Cmd buffer must be allocated with a sufficient size. For more information about the allocation of the Cmd and InReply buffers, refer to Cmd and InReply buffers allocation
This function must be used with the post-HSM APIAAL2ProcGenActivationDataRndKeyRpl.
Type | Name | Use | Description |
aat_byte * | Cmd | O | Up to 6944 bytes that serialize the GENERATE ACTIVATION DATA RND KEY command type and the input data to the Generate Activation Data Random Key function on the HSM:
Plus 64 bytes for Authentication Suite Server SDK internal use. |
aat_int32 * | CmdSize | I/O | On entry, this parameter contains the size of the Cmd buffer.On exit, this parameter contains the length of the Cmd message. |
TDigipassBlob * [8] | DPData | I | Array of authenticator application BLOB pointers. All authenticator application BLOBs of the software Digipass authenticator must be provided. |
aat_int16 | Appl_count | I | Number of applications in the authenticator application BLOB array (1 to 8) |
TkernelParms* | CallParms | I | Structure of runtime parameters to use during the call of the HSM Generate Activation Data Random Key function. |
aat_ascii * | aStorage KeyNameIn | I | String of up to 128+1 characters, left-justified, null-terminated, or right-padded with spaces. This is the label of the HSM storage key used to encrypt the sensitive Digipass application BLOB data. |
aat_ascii * | aIVIn | I | String of 16 hexadecimal characters, left-justified, null-terminated, or right-padded with spaces. This is the initial vector used to encrypt the sensitive authenticator application BLOB data. |
aat_ascii * | aStatic VectorIn | I | Software Digipass parameter settings, up to 4094 characters, null-terminated. |
aat_ascii * | aSharedData | I | Data used to encrypt the activation data. Up to 512* characters, null-terminated. Set to NULL if no shared data used by the software Digipass activation process. *Shared data plus alea must not exceed 512 characters. |
aat_ascii * | aAlea | I | Encryption diversifier pseudo-randomly generated. Up to 512* characters. Set to NULL if no alea is used by the software Digipass activation process. *Shared data plus alea must not exceed 512 characters. |
aat_int32 | Activation CodeFlags | I | Integer value that specifies the activation mode used for generating activation data (online or offline activation mode.) The ActivationFlags value can be either set to 0x0 or 0x1. Table: Possible ActivationFlags values (AAL2GenGenActivationDataRndKeyCmd) lists the possible values for ActivationFlags. |