  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GenMessageActivation1 (
                                   TDigipassBlob *DPMAData,
                                   TKernelParms  *CallParms,
                                   aat_ascii     *Challenge,
                                   aat_ascii     *StaticVector,
                                   aat_ascii     *MessageVector,
                                   aat_ascii     *ActivationVector,
                                   aat_ascii     *Activation1Message,
                                   aat_int32     *Activation1MessageLength);


This function generates an Activation Message 1 from the master activation application (the license), the static vector, the message vector, and the activation vector. This Activation Message 1 allows activating a Digipass license in the device.

It is only applicable to hardware or software Digipass authenticators compliant with the multi-device two-step activation (in the context of multi-device licensing). For more information, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK Product Guide.

This Activation Message 1 is used in the multi-device activation process for all Digipass instances of a particular license.

A challenge may be used (optionally) to generate an Activation Message 1 bound to a particular challenge. Using challenges allows generating different Activation Messages 1 for the same license; with this, it is possibe to verify afterwards that the device code returned by the Digipass device corresponds to the license activated with a particular challenge. This also makes it possible to to create a new Activation Message 1 for a givne license and to invalidate the previous one. If used, the challenge must contain 16 numeric or hexadecimal characters, and the same challenge will have to be reused afterwards to validate the device code returned by the Digipass device with the function AAL2VerifyDeviceCode. The function AAL2GenerateChallenge can be used to generate a challenge with 16 numeric characters.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GenMessageActivation1)
TDigipassBlobDPMADataIDigipass master activation application BLOB of the Digipass serial number license to use for the activation.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii *ChallengeIOptional string of 16 numeric or hexadecimal characters, left-justified, null-terminated or right-padded with spaces. This parameter holds the challenge which must be used to generate the Activation Message 1. If no challenge must be used to generate the Activation Message 1, this parameter must be NULL.
aat_ascii *StaticVectorISoftware Digipass parameter settings, up to 4094 characters, null-terminated.
aat_ascii *MessageVectorIString of up to 26+1 characters containing the message parameter settings , null-terminated (obtained during import).
aat_ascii *ActivationVectorIString containing the activation vector corresponding to the Digipass serial number to activate (obtained during import).
aat_ascii *Activation1MessageOString of up to 4202+1 hexadecimal characters, null-terminated. It contains the Activation Message 1 necessary during the activation process of the Digipass instances of a particular license.
aat_int32 *



In input, this parameter must indicate the size of the allocated buffer for the Activation1Message parameter (recommended 4203 bytes).

In output, this parameter indicates the length of the Activatin1Message string (without the null-terminated character).

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GenMessageActivation1)
0Success1268Invalid message vector version
412Invalid checksum1269Invalid message vector pointer
413Invalid Base64 format1270Invalid activation message pointer
537Invalid static vector pointer1271Invalid activation message length pointer
545Invalid static vector length1272Invalid message body type
580Static vector light not found1273Invalid activation vector length
1000Function does not support EMV-CAP1274Invalid message protocol version
1118Unsupported BLOB1275Invalid message protection type
1025Buffer too small1288Invalid serial number prefix
1264Invalid master application1289Invalid serial number suffix
1265Invalid master application data pointer1331Activation 1 not supported
1266Invalid message vector pointer-101Challenge too short
1267Invalid message vector length-102Challenge too long

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