  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GenMessageDeactivation (
                                   aat_ascii    *PKBlob,
                                   TKernelParms *CallParms,
                                   aat_ascii    *MessageVector,
                                   aat_int32    *SeqNum,
                                   aat_ascii    *DeactivationMessage,
                                   aat_ascii    *DeactivationMessageLength);


This function generates a deactivation message from a sequence number, using the payload key embedded into the payload key BLOB.

It is only applicable to hardware or software Digipass authenticators compliant with the multi-device two-step activation (in the context of multi-device licensing). For more information, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK Product Guide.

The payload key BLOB must be the one corresponding to the Digipass serial number the deactivation message will target.

The deactivation message generation is only applicable if the Secure Channel feature has been ordered (configured by OneSpan at the time of order).


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GenMessageDeactivation)
aat_ascii *PKBlobIContains the payload key BLOB that has been generated for the Digipass instances activated with a particular serial number license.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii *MessageVectorI

A string of up to 26+1 characters containing the message parameter settings, null-terminated (obtained during import).


Integer containing the sequence number of the Digipass instance to deactivate.

aat_ascii *DeactivationMessageOString of up to 50+1 hexadecimal characters, null-terminated. In case of a successful operation, this parameter contains the generated deactivation message.
aat_int32 *DeactivationMessageLengthI/O

In input, this parameter must indicate the size of the allocated buffer for the DeactivationMessage parameter (recommended 51 bytes).

In output, this parameter indicates the length of the DeactivationMessage string (without the null-terminated character).

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GenMessageDeactivation)
0Success1286Invalid payload key pointer
412Invalid checksum1288Invalid serial number prefix
413Invalid Base64 format1289Invalid serial number suffix
1118Unsupported BLOB1293Invalid sequence number pointer
1119Unsupported payload key BLOB1302AES CTR encryption failed
1266Invalid message vector pointer1307Invalid deactivation message pointer
1267Invalid message vector length1308Invalid deactivation message length pointer
1268Invalid message vector version1333Deactivation not supported
1274Invalid message protocol version1335Invalid payload key type in payload key data
1275Invalid message protection type1336Inconsistent payload key type between payload key data and message vector
1285Master key derivation failed  

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