  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GenPasswordEx( 
                            TDigipassBlob*   DPData,
                            TKernelParms*    CallParms,
                            aat_ascii*       Password,
                            aat_ascii*       Challenge,
                            aat_ascii*       ReturnHostCode,
                            aat_ascii*       ReturnHostCodeLength);


If Virtual Mobile Authenticator is supported and activated for the given authenticator application BLOB, this function can be used to generate a dynamic one-time password. It is an extension of AAL2GenPassword, with the additional feature of integrating the return host code.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GenPasswordEx)
TDigipassBlob *DPDataI/Oauthenticator application BLOB. Upon return from the function call, this BLOB must be rewritten to the application database to reflect changes.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.
aat_ascii *PasswordO

String of up to 17 numeric or hexadecimal characters, left-justified, null-terminated, or right-padded with spaces. This is the dynamic password generated by the library (recommended buffer size is 18 bytes).

aat_ascii *ChallengeIString of up to 17 numeric or hexadecimal characters, left-justified, null-terminated, or right-padded with spaces. This parameter holds the challenge which was proposed to the user to generate CodeToVerify. If no challenge was generated, this parameter should be NULL.
aat_ascii *ReturnHostCodeOString of up to 17 numeric or hexadecimal characters, left-justified, null-terminated, or right-padded with spaces. This is the code generated by Authentication Suite Server SDK (recommended buffer size is 18 bytes).
aat_int32 *ReturnHostCodeLengthOPointer to a long integer that indicates the length of the generated return host code.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GenPasswordEx)
0Success1103Unlock Version 2 not supported
130Invalid response pointer1116Response check digit not allowed
131Missing required challenge1117Challenge check digit not allowed
132Unsupported token type1118Unsupported BLOB
140Challenge corrupted-101Challenge too short
202Identification error threshold reached-102Challenge too long
208Application disabled-103Challenge check digit wrong
209Grace Grace period expired-105Challenge minimum length not allowed
210Allowed use count reached-106Challenge maximum length not allowed
211Virtual token not supported-107Challenge number wrong
412Invalid checksum-108Challenge character invalid
413Invalid Base64 format-1501Memory allocation failed
510Invalid Digipass data pointer  

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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