- 22 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
- Mis à jour le 22 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- SombreLumière
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Function prototype
aat_int32 AAL2GenUnlockAuthCode (
TDigipassBlob* DPData,
TKernelParms* CallParms,
aat_int32 UnlockAuthIndex,
aat_ascii* UnlockAuthCode,
aat_int32 UnlockAuthCounter);
If a user's Digipass authenticator is locked because of wrong PIN entries, the Digipass administrator has to authenticate the user before verifying the Digipass unlock code. This function generates unlock authentication codes, which are used to authenticate the user during a Digipass unlock operation. AAL2AuthorizeUnlock validates the unlock authentication code before generating the unlock code.
An unlock authentication code is valid only once. After it has been used, a new unlock authentication code needs to be generated. It is possible to generate multiple unlock authentication codes at a time.
Important notes
- Unlock authentication codes need to be used in the given sequence. Codes that are skipped will no longer be valid.
- It is not mandatory to implement the unlock user authentication in the way described. OneSpan proposes this function as an option but the integrator is free to implement other authentication mechanisms. However, OneSpan strongly recommends that you implement a strong authentication process in any unlock scheme.
- In case of Unlock V2 support, the unlock authentication code generation function must be used with the dedicated Unlock V2 BLOB instead of the Digipass authentication BLOB.
Return codes
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