- 22 Jan 2025
- 2 Minutes à lire
- SombreLumière
- Mis à jour le 22 Jan 2025
- 2 Minutes à lire
- SombreLumière
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Function prototype
aat_int32 AAL2GenVerifySignatureCmd(
aat_byte *Cmd,
aat_int32 *CmdSize,
TDigipassBlob *DPData,
TKernelParms *CallParms,
aat_ascii *Signature,
aat_ascii SignedDataFields[8][20],
aat_int32 FieldCount,
aat_int32 DeferredSignatureData);
This function creates a command that directs the HSM to validate a signature using the given data and to return a result in the form of a reply.
The signature validation on the HSM is identical to the functionality available with the Authentication Suite Server SDK Software e-Signature Validation Service. For information on the associated functions, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK C-C++ Programmer's Guide.
This function must be used with the post-HSM API AAL2ProcVerifySignatureRpl.
Return codes
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