  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GetLibraryVersion (
                                 aat_ascii*         LibraryVersion,
                                 aat_int32*         LibraryVersionLength,
                                 aat_ascii*         LibraryBitness,
                                 aat_int32*         LibraryBitnessLength,
                                 aat_ascii*         LibraryType,
                                 aat_int32*         LibraryTypeLength);


This function is called to retrieve the version of the current Authentication Suite Server SDK native host library (C library). In addition, it will also retrieve the bitness (32- or 64-bit) and the type (SSM, HSM, ICSF) of the native host library.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GetLibraryVersion)
aat_ascii *LibraryVersionOString of up to 15+1 characters library version of the form w.x.y.z with  w, x, yand z positive decimal value between 0 and 255 (+ 1 null terminator character).
aat_int32 *LibraryVersionLengthI/O

In input, this parameter must indicate the size of the allocated buffer for the LibraryVersion parameter (recommended 16 bytes).

In output, this parameter indicates the length of the LibraryVersion string (without the null-terminated character).

aat_ascii *LibraryBitnessOString library bitness 32 or 64 (+ 1 null terminator character).
aat_int32 *LibraryBitnessLengthI/O

In input, this parameter must indicate the size of the allocated buffer for the LibraryBitness parameter (recommended 16 bytes).

In output, this parameter indicates the length of the LibraryBitness (without the null-terminated character).

aat_ascii *LibraryTypeO

String of character describing the library type (+ 1 null terminator). e.g:

  • SSM” in case of Authentication Suite Server SDK Software
  • HSM in case of Authentication Suite Server SDK for Entrust nShield HSM or Authentication Suite Server SDK for Thales ProtectServer HSM
  • ICSF in case of Authentication Suite Server SDK for zOS ICSF
aat_int32 *LibraryTypeLengthI/O

In input, this parameter must indicate the size of the allocated buffer for the LibraryType parameter (recommended 16 bytes).

In output, this parameter indicates the length of the LibraryType (without the null-terminated character).

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GetLibraryVersion)
0Success1323Library bitness buffer too small
1319Invalid library version pointer1324Invalid library bitness length pointer
1320Library version buffer too small1325Invalid library type pointer
1321Invalid library version length pointer1326Library Library type buffer too small
1322Invalid library bitness pointer1327Invalid library type length pointer

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