  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2GetMessageProperties (
                                    aat_ascii      *Message,
                                    aat_int32      *MessageProtocolVersion,
                                    aat_int32      *MessageType,
                                    aat_int32      *MessageProtectionType,
                                    aat_int32      *IsMessageEncrypted,
                                    aat_int32      *IsMessageSigned,
                                    aat_ascii      *MessageSerial[11]);


This function is used to obtain information on a Secure Channel message (being a request message, a response message, or an information message). In case of success, the function will indicate the following:

  • Indication of the message protocol version
  • Indication of the message type
  • Indication of the message protection type
  • Indication if the message is encrypted or not
  • Indication if the message is signed (authenticity and integrity protection) or not
  • Indication of the serial number referenced into the message.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2GetMessageProperties)
aat_ascii *MessageIHexadecimal character string containing a request message, a response message, or an information message. The string length must be a multiple of 2 with a maximum length of 1070 characters.
aat_int32 *MessageProtocolVersion0

Pointer on integer value; in output indicates the protocol version of the message.

If set to NULL the MessageProtocolVersion property cannot be retrieved.

aat_int32 *MessageType0

Pointer on integer value; in output indicates if the message is a request message, a response message, or an information message.

  • 0x3: request message
  • 0x23: response message
  • 0x3F: response error message.
  • 0x24: information message

If set to NULL the MessageType property cannot be retrieved.

aat_int32 *MessageProtectionTypeO

Pointer on integer value; in output indicates the protection type of the message.

  • 0x00: Unprotected (neither encrypted nor signed)
  • 0x01: Encrypted (AES-CTR 128 bits) and Signed (HMAC-SHA256)
  • 0x11: Signed (HMAC-SHA256)

If set to NULL the MessageProtectionType property cannot be retrieved.

aat_int32 *IsMessageEncryptedO

Pointer on integer value; in output indicates if the message body is encrypted or not.

  • 0: not encrypted
  • 1: encrypted

If set to NULL the IsMessageEncrypted property cannot be retrieved.

aat_int32 *IsMessageSigned0

Pointer on integer value; in output indicates if the message is signed (authenticity and integrity protection) or not.

  • 0: not signed
  • 1: signed

If set to NULL the IsMessageSigned property cannot be retrieved.

aat_ascii [11]MessageSerial010 characters output string (+1 null terminator character) containing the serial number referenced into the message.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2GetMessageProperties)
0Success1343Invalid information message length
1288Invalid serial number prefix1344Invalid request message length
1289Invalid serial number suffix1345Invalid request message protection type
1302AES CTR encryption failed1346Invalid message response protection type
1337Unsupported message protocol version1347Invalid information message protection type
1338Unsupported message type1354Invalid request message type
1339Invalid message length1355Invalid response message type
1340Invalid message pointer1360Invalid information message type
1341Message is not hexadecimal1362Invalid response message error length
1342Invalid response message length  

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