Authenticator model | TOKEN_MODEL | 5+1 | 5 characters, Digipass 300, Digipass 700 etc. |
Usage count | USE_COUNT | 6+1 | 6 digits, 000000 to 999999 (returned value capped to 999999 in case the authenticator is used more often than 999999 times) |
Last time used | LAST_TIME_USED | 24+1 | 24 characters Ddd Mmm DD HH:MM:SS YYYY |
Last time shift | LAST_TIME_SHIFT | Up to 11+1 | Up to 11 signed digits, +/- seconds |
Is time based algorithm? | TIME_BASED_ALGO | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
Is event based algorithm? | EVENT_BASED_ALGO | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
Is static PIN supported? | PIN_SUPPORTED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates whether the static PIN is supported. |
Is unlock supported? | UNLOCK_SUPPORTED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
Is PIN change mode ON? | PIN_CH_ON | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
PIN length | PIN_LEN | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 08. Current static PIN length. |
PIN minimum length | PIN_MIN_LEN | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 08. Static PIN minimum length. |
Is PIN feature enabled? | PIN_ENABLED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates whether the PIN is enabled. |
Is PIN change forced? | PIN_CH_FORCED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates whether the PIN has to be changed at the next logon attempt. |
Virtual authenticator type | VIRTUAL_TOKEN_TYPE | 7+1 | Up to 8 characters. The following options are available: Type of virtual authenticator. |
Virtual authenticator grace period | VIRTUAL_TOKEN_GRACE_PERIOD | 24+1 | 24 characters Ddd Mmm DD HH:MM:SS YYYY. Expiration date of the virtual authenticator's grace period. |
Virtual authenticator remain use | VIRTUAL_TOKEN_REMAIN_USE | 3+1 | 3 digits, 000 to 255. Remaining uses of virtual authenticator. |
Last response type | LAST_RESPONSE_TYPE | 8+1 | Up to 8 characters. The following options are available: Last valid response type. |
Error count | ERROR_COUNT | 6+1 | 6 digits, 000000 to 032767. Error counter value. (Returned value capped to 032767 in case more than 032767 failed validations occur.) |
Event value | EVENT_VALUE | 10+1 | 10 digits, 0000000000 to 4294967294. For event-based algorithms, the current event value stored in the authenticator application BLOB. This is the greatest event value received for a valid verification, which is not necessarily the latest valid verification performed (fora non-sequential signature presentation). . |
Last event value | LAST_EVENT_VALUE | 10+1 | 10 digits, 0000000000 to 4294967294 For event-based algorithms, the event value from the last valid verification (used for a non-sequential signature presentation). |
Is synchronization window used? | SYNC_WINDOWS | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO.Indicates whether the initial synchronization window will be used to perform the next validation for this Digipass instance. |
Is primary authenticator enabled? | PRIMARY_TOKEN_ENABLED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
Is virtual authenticator supported? | VIRTUAL_TOKEN_SUPPORTED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
Is virtual authenticator enabled? | VIRTUAL_TOKEN_ENABLED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO |
Codeword value | CODE_WORD | 8+1 | 8 characters, 00000000 to FFFFFFFF. Application codeword. |
Authentication mode | AUTH_MODE | 2+1 | 2 characters Possible values: - RO for Response-Only application
- SG for signature application
- CR for Challenge/Responseapplication
- MM for multi-mode application
- UL for Unlock V2 application
OATH Challenge/Response authentication suite | OCRA_SUITE | 40+1 | String of up to 40 characters containing the operating mode for the OCRA algorithm. Algorithm:CryptoFunction:DataInput NA for non-OCRA authenticator; e.g. OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA1-6:C-QN08-T32S: - OCRA version 1
- HMAC SHA1 crypto function with truncation of a 6-digit value for the OTP
- Counter- and time-based with 8-byte numeric challenge and time-step of 32 seconds
Does application support derivation? | DERIVATION_SUPPORTED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO Indicates if the derivation is supported or not for the authenticator application. The Derivation feature is available (but optional) for software Digipass authenticators based on Digipass SDK 4.0 or higher. |
Maximum dataFields number | MAX_DTF_NUMBER | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 08. Maximum number of data fields that are supported by the application. |
Datafield 1 minimum length | DTF1_MIN_LEN | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 16. Minimum length configured for data field 1, excluding the checksum check digit, if any. |
Datafield 1 maximum length | DTF1_MAX_LEN | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 16. Minimum length configured for data field 1, excluding the checksum check digit, if any. |
Does Datafield 1 use a check digit? | DTF1_CHK | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates if data field 1 uses a checksum check digit. If any, the data field 1 input will have to be between dtf1 min len +1 and dtf1 max len +1. |
Datafield 2 to 8 minimum length | From DTF2_MIN_LEN To DTF8_MIN_LEN | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 16. Identical to the property DTF1_MIN_LEN, but related to data fields 2 to 8. |
Datafield 2 to 8 maximum length | From DTF2_CHK To DTF8_CHK | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 16. Identical to the property DTF1_MAX_LEN, but related to data fields 2 to 8. |
Do Datafield 2 to 8 use a check digit? | From DTF2_CHK To DTF8_CHK | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Identical to the property DTF1_CHK, but related to data fields 2 to 8. |
Response length | RESPONSE_LEN | 2+1 | 2 digits, 00 to 16. Length of the response configured for the application, excluding the response checksum check digit, if any, and excluding the static PIN, if any. |
Response format | RESPONSE_FORMAT | 16+1 | Up to 16 characters. The response format can be HEX, DEC1 or DEC2 (hexadecimal, Decimal1 or Decimal2). |
If Response Check supported? | RESPONSE_CHK | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates if the response configured for the application uses a checksum check digit. If any, the OTP or signature for this application will have a length of response length +1. |
Time Step | TIME_STEP | 6+1 | 6 digits to 000000 to 262144. Decimal value of the time step in seconds for time-based applications. |
If Triple DES algorithm is used? | TRIPLE_DES_USED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates if the application uses the 3DES algorithm. |
Does application support Secure Channel message signature? | SECURE_CHANNEL_MSG_SIG_SUPPORTED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates if the Secure Channel message signature validation is supported for the authenticator application. |
Does application support offline data block generation? | OFFLINE_AUTHENTICATION_SUPPORTED | 3+1 | 3 characters, YES/NO. Indicates if the offline data block generation (for offline authentication with the Authentication Suite Server SDK Offline Module) is supported by an authenticator application. |