This function processes a reply from the HSM to a Software Digipass data derivation command which has been generated with AAL2GenDeriveTokenBlobsCmd.
The software Digipass data derivation on the HSM is identical to the functionality available with the Authentication Suite Server SDK Software Digipass Derivation Service. For information on the associated functions, refer to the Authentication Suite Server SDK C-C++ Programmer's Guide.
Score-based Digipass
For Digipass devices that integrate the score-based algorithm, the HSM module performs a score-based authentication to validate the derivation code. This allows retrieving the Digipass scoring value. Once the HSM module has successfully validated the BLOBs, it returns either SUCCESS or SUCCESS with the relevant scoring warning code. See the list of return codes in Table: Return codes (AAL2ProcDeriveTokenBlobsRpl) for more details.
This function serializes an important amount of data. The InReply buffer must be allocated with a sufficient size. For more information about the allocation of the Cmd and InReply buffers, refer to Cmd and InReply buffers allocation.
Table: Parameters (AAL2ProcDeriveTokenBlobsRpl)
aat_byte *
Up to 1578 bytes that contain the DERIVE TOKEN BLOBS command type and the output data from the derive token BLOBs function on the HSM:
Command type - 2 bytes
One or more authenticator application BLOBs- up to 8x192 bytes
Return code - 4 bytes
Plus 36 bytes for Authentication Suite Server SDK internal use.
The length of the InReply message.
TDigipassBlob * [8]
Array of authenticator application BLOB pointers. Upon return from the function call, this BLOB must be rewritten to the application database to reflect changes.