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Function prototype
aat_int32 AAL2ProcMigrateBlobRpl( aat_byte *InReply,
aat_int32 ReplySize,
TDigipassBlob *DPData);
This function processes a reply from the HSM to a command generated with either AAL2GenMigrateBlobCmd or AAL2GenMigrateBlobCmdEx.
Table: Parameters (AAL2ProcMigrateBlobRpl)Type | Name | Use | Description |
aat_byte * | InReply | I | Up to 202 bytes that contain the MIGRATE BLOB command type and the output data from the migrate BLOB function in the HSM: - Command type - 2 bytes
- An authenticator application BLOB - 192 bytes
- Return code - 4 bytes
Plus 8 bytes for Authentication Suite Server SDK internal use. |
aat_int32 | ReplySize | I | The length of the InReply message. |
TDigipassBlob * | DPData | O | authenticator application BLOB. Upon return from the function call, this BLOB must be rewritten to the application database to reflect changes. |
Return codes
Table: Return codes (AAL2ProcMigrateBlobRpl)Code | Meaning | Code | Meaning |
0 | Success | 950 | Invalid application for AES HSM encryption |
272 | Invalid wrapped key | 951 | Invalid HSM key type for HSM decryption |
412 | Invalid checksum (software) | 913 | Invalid HSM key property |
413 | Invalid Base64 format | 1009 | Invalid TLV total length |
414 | Invalid checksum (HSM) | 1018 | Invalid TLV item pointer |
510 | Invalid Digipass data pointer | 1019 | Missing mandatory TLV item |
701 | Invalid input buffer pointer | 1025 | Data buffer too small |
910 | Invalid command type in reply | 1118 | Unsupported BLOB |
911 | HSM invalid key KCV | | |
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