  • 22 Jan 2025
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Function prototype

aat_int32 AAL2SyncTokenBlob (TDigipassBlob*   DPData[8],
                             aat_int16*       appl_count,
                             TKernelParms*    CallParms);


This function can be used for two different purposes:

  • Synchronize the time between several authenticator application BLOBs

    If a Digipass instance has more than one time-based application, this function may be used to synchronize the time drift and last-time-used value stored in the different authenticator application BLOBs. The most recently used application (greater-last-time-used value) serves as the reference.

  • Update a authenticator application BLOB for virtual authenticator support.

    If a authenticator application has no virtual authenticator support, this function may be used to upgrade its BLOB with the virtual authenticator feature. A new BLOB with the same serial number, the same application name, and with virtual authenticator support activated will be necessary to perform the upgrade of the existing BLOB.

To synchronize the time between several authenticator application BLOBs

  • Pass all authenticator application BLOBs of the Digipass instance to AAL2SyncToken.
  • The most recent time information will be synchronized between the BLOB applications.

To update a authenticator application BLOB for virtual authenticator support

  • Import the new virtual authenticator BLOB with the same serial number and application name.
  • Pass both the current initial BLOB used in the production database and the newly imported virtual authenticator BLOB to AAL2SyncTokenBLOB.
  • The virtual authenticator BLOB will upgrade the initial BLOB with the virtual authenticator support.
  • The initial BLOB (which has inherited the virtual authenticator support) can be written back to the production database.


  Table: Parameters (AAL2SyncTokenBlob)
TDigipassBlob * [8]DPDataI/OArray of authenticator application BLOB pointers. Upon return from the function call, these BLOBs must be rewritten to the application database to reflect the changes.
TKernelParms *CallParmsIStructure of runtime parameters to use during this function call.

Number of applications in the authenticator application BLOB array.

Return codes

  Table: Return codes (AAL2SyncTokenBlob)
0Success808Invalid Appl_Count value (2 to 8)
412Invalid checksum1000Function does not support EMV-CAP
413Invalid Base64 format1118Unsupported BLOB
510Invalid Digipass data pointer-1501Memory allocation failed
807Blobs do not come from the same hardware authenticator.  

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