Alerts Email Notification Configuration
  • 22 Oct 2024
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Alerts Email Notification Configuration

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Résumé de l’article

When enabling the Alerts Email Notification functionality, Risk Analytics will send emails to a list of defined recipient(s) when for pending alert in the alert queue which have to be investigated and completed through Risk Analytics Presentation Service.

Email notifications can be sent

  • every time a new pending alert enters the queue, with the possibility to limit the number of sent notifications by defining a threshold for the number of notifications sent in a defined period

  • as escalation notification, e.g. to a different audience to check pending alerts when these have not been completed within a defined period

Sending notifications

You access the Alerts Email Notification page via the DESIGN RULES & ACTIONS menu.

Access to the configuration of the alerts email notification settings is controlled by the specific clearance level Can Configure Alerts Email Notification. Only user roles subscribed to this clearance can access the Alerts Email Notification page. If you require more options, contact your company's Risk Analytics administrator.

Sending notifications

To enable sending a notification for every new alert that enters the alert queue, navigate to DESIGN RULES & ACTIONS > Alerts Email Notification > New Alert Notification and select the Enable notifications check box.

Defining a notification threshold

You can reduce the number of emails the recipients receive by defining a threshold for the number of notifications sent during a defined period of time.

Stop notifications after receiving 100 emails in the last 24 hours.

To define a notification threshold outlines the necessary steps.

To define a notification threshold

  1. Navigate to DESIGN RULES & ACTIONS > Alerts Email Notification > New Alert Notification.

  2. Select the Enable notifications check box.

  3. Select the Stop notifications after receiving check box.

  4. Enter a number in the email(s) input field.

  5. Enter a number in the time unit input field.

  6. Select the time unit from the available options: minutes, hours, days.

Sending escalation notifications

This feature allows you to send email notifications for alerts that have not been managed within a given time period. These emails can be sent to different recipients than the regular alert notifications, and the email message template also differs from the regular notification message template. To send escalation notifications outlines the necessary steps.

To send escalation notifications

  1. Navigate to DESIGN RULES & ACTIONS > Alerts Email Notification > Escalation Notification.

  2. Select the Escalate pending alerts after check box.

  3. Enter a number in the number input field.

  4. Select the time unit from the available options: minutes, hours, days

For escalation notifications, you can also define a threshold to limit the number of emails sent for the period of time you define, as described in To define a notification threshold.

Required parameters

Alerts email notification configuration lists the required parameters to configure email notification for new alerts entering the queue and escalation notifications.

The parameters listed here apply to both types of notifications; additionally, for escalation notifications, the period after which the escalation notifications are to be sent.

Alerts email notification configuration




Enable notifications

Check box to enable alert email notifications and escalation notifications.

When enabled, several of the parameters listed in this table are mandatory.

For escalation notifications, an additional parameter is to be configured: you must also define the period after which a notification must be sent.

Stop notifications


Check box to stop sending alert email notifications.

When enabled, Risk Analytics stops sending notification emails when the defined threshold of sent notifications within a defined period of time has been reached.



Email recipient(s) that must receive alerts notifications. Using several email addresses is possible with a comma-separated list (e.g. jane.,



Secondary email recipient(s) (carbon copy) that must also receive alert notifications. Using several email addresses is possible with a comma-separated list.



Tertiary email recipient(s) (blind carbon copy) that must also receive alert notifications. Using several email addresses is possible with a comma-separated list.



Template of the subject to be used for alerts email notifications. The template supports a list of dynamic variables (data tags) that will be valuated according to the alert.



Template of the message body to be used for alerts email notifications. The template supports a list of dynamic variables (data tags) that will be valuated according to the alert.

Data tags for templates

The Alerts Email Notification feature offers you templates for the message body and the email subject. Within these templates, dynamic variables, so-called data tags, can be used. These data tags (if used) will be automatically valuated for each alert email notification sent, according to the alert context. A list of supported dynamic variables is displayed in a data tag list box to the right of the message. Supported dynamic variables and data tags lists the supported dynamic varialbes and corresponding data tags..

To use a particular data tag within the subject or the message template, simply place the cursor where you want to place a dynamic variable, and click on the corresponding data tag in the list on the right side to add the data tag. The data tags are displayed in the subject or message templates as {{tag}}.

Supported dynamic variables and data tags

Dynamic variable

Data tag

Label Security


Create Date


Alert Name


Rule Name






Event Type


ID of record


User Ref


Only available in corporate banking environments.

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