Audit Settings
  • 27 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes à lire
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Audit Settings

  • Sombre
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Résumé de l’article

An auditing file will be created when a service is started. Each auditing file contains the following information:

  • A header with LDAP Synchronization Tool version number, configuration details, timestamp, and connection details

  • Start and end time of the synchronization run

  • Records found in the source LDAP data store

  • Records created in the destination OneSpan Authentication Server data store

  • Records updated in the destination OneSpan Authentication Server data store

  • All errors and warnings

Click Add to configure auditing destination settings for LDAP Synchronization Tool. Select the type of auditing destination you want to define from the list and enter the details required.

Highlight an auditing method and use Move Up and Move Down to order the list of auditing methods. In a fail-over situation they will be used in the order specified.

LDAP Synchronization Tool auditing methods

You can use LDAP Synchronization Tool to configure different auditing methods.

On Windows platforms, the following methods can be used:

  • Text file

  • Event log

  • ODBC database

On Linux platforms, the following methods can be used:

  • Text file

  • Linux syslog

  • ODBC database

Table: LDAP Synchronization Tool Configuration Utility – Common auditing method settings

Field name


Display name

The name that will be displayed in the available audit methods list.

Reject audit messages if this method fails

Return an error if this audit method fails to record an auditing message.

Record audit message if no other method recorded it

Select this check box if messages should only be logged by this audit method if they have not been previously logged by any other auditing method.

Audit message types

Select which kind of message types should be recorded by this audit method.

Text file auditing method

Table: LDAP Synchronization Tool Configuration Utility – Text file auditing method settings

Field name


Audit file

The name and location of the audit text file.

Always keep open

Keep the audit file open all the time.


Use GMT/UTC instead of the local system time in the audit messages.

Allow multiple lines

Allow the information to be split up to multiple lines.

Windows Event Log / Linux Syslog auditing method

These auditing methods write auditing details to a specified Windows event log or Linux syslog. The following events will be written to the Windows event log or the Linux syslog during synchronization:

  • Start up

  • Shut down

  • Successful run of a synchronization profile

  • Failed run of a synchronization profile

  • Failure to create trace or audit file

Table: LDAP Synchronization Tool Configuration Utility – Event log auditing method settings

Field name


Log type

This is the log type in the event viewer that the audit messages will be written to. You can use one of the standard logs supplied with the operating system, or you can create your own and call it OneSpan.

ODBC database auditing method

With this auditing method, auditing details are written to an ODBC data store.

Table: LDAP Synchronization Tool Configuration Utility – ODBC database auditing method settings

Field name



The data source name for the ODBC database being used


The user ID used to log in to the ODBC data store. The ODBC data store should be set up for user ID and password logon on only. Logon via one-time password (OTP) cannot be used.


The password of the user ID.

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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