Auditing, logging, and tracing
  • 02 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Auditing, logging, and tracing

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance generates three sources of information:


Auditing uses information generated about events in the OneSpan Authentication Server, LDAP synchronization and Configuration Tool components, as well as system and user actions. Auditing can be managed via the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool using the live audit viewer (see Administration). It occurs in real-time, allowing administrators to view a limited number of recent events and includes amongst others, information about administration events, authentication attempts and RADIUS accounting data.


OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance trace files contain debugging and troubleshooting information. The content can help OneSpan support engineers and experienced end-customers to troubleshoot specific issues.

For more information about configuring and using trace files, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Administrator Guide.


Logging uses information generated about events in the OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance Configuration Tool (see What is OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance?) and includes information about operations such as updating, back up, and restore.

Logging is based on the syslog utility, which supports local and remote storage and processing of logs. Settings can be configured in the Configuration Tool or the Configuration Wizard (see Installation and configuration).

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