  • 17 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Résumé de l’article

The Authenticating class provides UAF logic for the entire authentication process. There are two public methods that need to be called to perform a full authentication: prepareRequests and authenticate.

Table: Authenticating methods and parameters lists the methods, their parameters, and the objects they return.

  Table:  Authenticating methods and parameters
PurposeParametersReturned object
Method: prepareRequest
Initialize the authentication process, create the authentication request.
  • appId: ID of the application that wants to authenticate the user.
  • assertions: previously registered assertions for a given user.
  • username: user name of the user to be authenticated.
  • serverData: data in the from of a JWT token.
  • challengeRaw: previously generated challenge that is going to be used in the authentication request.
  • transactionConfirmationText: transaction data from the relying party. To be shown for transaction confirmation.

A list with a single AuthenticationRequest, which needs to be forwarded to the FIDO client.

Method: authenticate
Authenticate the relevant user.
  • authenticationRequest: the request for authentication to be verified.
  • channelBindingFromRelyingParty: TLS channel binding information obtained from the relying party.
  • trustedFacetIds: list of trusted Face IDs, used to check if this request is trusted.
  • currentProcessChallenge: challenge to validate the authentication response.
  • policy: Policy object to check whether the authenticator is allowed.

  • transactionConfirmationContents
A list with a single authentication result.

To use Authenticating in a FIDO server, you need to create an instance of the Authenticating class and inject implementations of the following interfaces when using the constructor:

  • AssertionsManager: The implementation of this interface should enable CRUD operations on assertions. It is used to update the assertions in the second step of the authentication. For more information about the AssertionsManager interface, refer to Interface: AssertionsManager.
  • MetadataProvider: The implementation of this interface should be able to retrieve MetadataStatement from the provided metadata source. The retrieved data needs to be mapped to a model supported by the SDK ( For more information about the MetadataProvider interface, refer to  Interface: MetadataProvider.
  • PolicyProvider: The implementation of this interface should retrieve the policy for a given app ID from the storage; it is used to get the policy when preparing the authentication request. For more information about the PolicyProvider interface, refer to  Interface: PolicyProvider.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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