- 20 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
authSignature SOAP Request Structure
- Mis à jour le 20 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
An authSignature SOAP request typically uses the following format:
<value xsi:type="xsd:string">???????</value>
The SOAP body element should only contain an authSignature element (line 8). This element is defined in the namespace sig. Therefore, the sig namespace needs to be declared in the Envelope element as an attribute.
A valid authSignature request must follow these additional rules:
- The authSignature element should contain exactly one attributeSet element.
- The attributeSet element should contain zero or more signature attribute elements.
Each attribute element should contain the following sub-elements:
- attributeID (required). The attribute identifier. The supported credential attribute identifiers are listed in SOAP signature validation (Overview).
- value (required). The attribute value. This element also requires the specification of the value type using the following attribute definition xsi=type=”xsd:type.
attributeOptions (optional). This element provides directive information about how OneSpan Authentication Server should handle the attribute value during request processing. Following options are supported for this element:
- NULL. Indicates that the specified attribute should be set to zero.
- NEGATIVE. Used for search criteria to say NO when searching for a specific attribute.
- MASKED. Used to indicate OneSpan Authentication Server to mask the attribute value (e.g. when auditing the SOAP request).
To set an attribute option, add the option element in the attributeOptions element and give the option element the value true.
To set the MASKED option, add the following: