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The authSignatureRequest command initiates a data signing transaction. It creates a signature request key and distributes it to the respective authenticator applications via push notifications. The command suspends its working thread (releasing any database locks) and resumes after receiving a continue signal by another authSignature call.
Required. The name of the related client component.
Required. The user account to be used.
Optional. The serial number of the authenticator to handle the signature request specifically. If omitted, a push notification is sent to any applicable authenticator instance.
Required. Choice element. The request method – push notification – is implicitly determined by the data type. The element body contains the signature data (see PushSignatureRequest (Data type)).
Table: authSignatureRequest output parameters
Parameter name
Data type
Required. The error stack, if applicable, which indicates that the command has not completed successfully. This also includes the result and status codes returned by the command.
The PushSignatureRequest type consists of a choice between different signature data types used for transaction data signing via push notification. For instance, a list of separate key/value signature data fields or a complete binary data signature body.