Available methods in the Secure Storage SDK
  • 23 Oct 2024
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Available methods in the Secure Storage SDK

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Method to initialize a secure storage

The init method creates a Volatile storage instance and initializes it with a secure storage. If the given storage name already exists, the init method reads the content of the Permanent storage and places it in the volatile storage instance.

Each data contained in the storage is identified by a unique key. The storage can contain either a string or a data.

For Android, beginning with the Secure Storage SDK version 5.0.0, you should use the SecureStorage.createSecureStorage API instead of the deprecated init static method to initialize a secure storage.

A mobile application can create several storages and gives each storage a different file name. Each storage is private for the mobile application that created it; Therefore, storages cannot be shared between several applications.

Methods to manage the volatile storage

Volatile Storage Management lists the available methods to read, add, or remove data from the volatile storage.

Volatile Storage Management



Check in storage

Check if the volatile storage contains a key.

Clear storage

Clear the volatile storage.

Get all data from storage

Retrieve all data from the volatile storage.

Get data from storage

Retrieve data from the volatile storage.

Get storage size

Get the number of saved items in the volatile storage, returned as:

  • count on iOS

  • size on Android

Put data into storage

Add data to the volatile storage.

Remove data from storage

Delete data from the volatile storage.

Methods to manage the permanent storage

Permanent Storage Management lists the available methods to manage the permanent storage.

Permanent Storage Management



Write storage

Write data to be stored from the volatile storage to the permanent storage.

Delete storage

Delete the permanent storage.

The UNREADABLE_STORAGE and STORAGE_CORRUPTED exceptions on Android or the unreadableStorage and storageCorrupted errors on iOS are non-recoverable exceptions that could have been caused by events outside of the scope of the SDK (like missing a decryption key after a backup/restore of the device). When you catch these exceptions and errors,  use the methods in Volatile Storage Management and Permanent Storage Management to delete the permanent storage and clear the volatile storage. Afterward, you should initialize the secure storage again. The data will be lost.

Android Exceptions

When an error occurs on Android, a SecureStorageSDKException is thrown. This exception consists of an error code and, if the exception is an internal error, the cause of the exception.

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