- 28 Oct 2024
- 19 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Banking Factors for Mobile Application Events in OneSpan Risk Analytics for Digital Banking
- Mis à jour le 28 Oct 2024
- 19 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Risk Analytics offers different types of default factors for digital mobile banking:
Factors based on mobile device information
Factors based on mobile device location
Factors based on mobile session information
Factors based on mobile application data
Factors based on mobile application protection (OneSpan Mobile Application Shielding)
Other factors common to mobile non-monetary events and transactions
Factors specific to mobile non-monetary events
Factors specific to mobile transactions
The following tables provide information on the factors specific to digital banking and mobile applications.
Table legend
Factor: name of the factor as displayed in Presentation Service.
Configuration label: name of the factor in the Decision Analytics configuration file and the Risk Analytics database.
Factor Type: the type of factor.
Execution Type: interval at which the factor is executed. Possible intervals are real time or daily. In real-time execution, the factor is computed in real time, based on existing information. In daily execution, the factor is computed by the DecisionAnalyticsComputeDailyJob job embedded in the Jobs web service. By default this job is launched once a day.
Factors based on mobile device information | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
B_NEW_OS_VERSION (IsNewOSVersion) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the operating system (OS) version is new for the bank. |
C_NUM_OS_VERSION (NumOSVersion) | NUMBER Real time | Number of customers using this OS version. |
IS_DEVICE_CODE_MISMATCH (IsDeviceCodeMismatch) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the device model code no longer matches the registered code. |
IS_DEVICE_ROOTED (IsDeviceRooted) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the device is rooted (as received in the CDDC event). |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_ROOTED_STATE (IsSamePreviousDeviceRooted) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the device state is the same as for the previous event received for the device. |
NUM_ROOTED_CHANGE_CURWEEK (NumRootedChangeCurrentWeek) | NUMBER Daily | Checks how often the rooted state has changed in the last week. |
IS_WIFI_ENABLED (IsWifiEnabled) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if Wi-Fi is enabled on the device (as received in the CDDC event). |
IS_BLUETOOTH_ENABLED (IsBluetoothEnabled) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if Bluetooth is enabled on the device (as received in the CDDC event). |
IS_DATA_ENABLED (IsDataEnabled) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if mobile data is enabled on the device (3G/4G). |
B_NEW_DEVICE (NewBankDevice) | BOOLEAN | Checks if it is the first event received from this device for the bank. |
C_NEW_DEVICE_SESSION (IsNewCustomerDevice) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if it is the first event received from this device for this customer. |
SAME_SESSION_DEVICE (SamePreviousDevice) | BOOLEAN | Checks if the device ID used in the previous event was the same for the current session. |
IS_OS_ENCRYPTED (IsOSEncrypted) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the OS is encrypted. |
IS_OS_ENCRYPTED_MISMATCH (IsOSEncryptedMismatch) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the OS is no longer encrypted. This means that previously, an event has been received where the operating system had been encrypted. |
B_NEW_NETWORK (IsNewBankNetwork) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if it is the first event sent over the GSM network for the bank. Depends on the availability for the mobile device. |
C_NEW_NETWORK (IsNewCustomerNetwork) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if it is the first event sent over the GSM network for this customer. Depends on the availability for the mobile device. |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_NETWORK (IsSamePreviousNetwork) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the GSM network used in the previous event was the same for the same relationship_ref value. |
C_NUM_DISTINCT_DEVICE (NumDeviceForCustomer) | NUMBER Real time | Number of different devices for the customer. |
B_NUM_CUST_SAME_DEVICE (NumCustomerForDevice) | NUMBER Real time | Number of bank customers linked to this device. |
IS_PASSWORD_VISIBLE (IsPasswordVisible) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the device shows the password in clear text. |
IS_GEOLOCATION_ON (IsGeolocationOn) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if geolocation is enabled for the device. |
IS_NF_ON (IsNfcOn) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the near-field communication (NFC) is enabled for the device. |
IS_SIM_CARD (IsSimCard) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the device supports a SIM card. |
IS_MULTI_SIM_CARD (IsMultiSimCard) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the device supports multiple SIM cards. |
NUM_EVENT_FOR_SIMCARD (NumEventForSimCard) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of events received from this device using this SIM card ID. |
IS_ROAMING_ON (IsRoamingOn) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the SIM card is in roaming mode. |
B_NUM_EVENT_TIME_ZONE (NumEventTimeZone) | NUMBER Real time | Number of bank events received from this device using this time zone. |
Factors based on mobile device location | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
PREVIOUS_EVT_DISTANCE (PreviousEventDistance) | NUMBER Real time | Distance in km from the previous mobile event for the same relationship_ref value. The distance is calculated based on the latitude and longitude.1 |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_GIS_CITY (IsSamePreviousGisCity) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the city used in the previous event (NME or TXN) is the same for the same relationship_ref value. |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_GIS_COUNTRY (IsSamePreviousGisCountry) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the country used in the previous event (NME or TXN) is the same for the same relationship_ref value. |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_GIS_CONTINENT (IsSamePreviousGisContinent) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the continent used in the previous event (NME or TXN) is the same for the same relationship_ref value. |
CUST_CITY_VELOCITY (CustomerGisCityVelocity) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of events received for this customer using this city. |
CUST_COUNTRY_VELOCITY (CustomerGisCountryVelocity) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of events received for this customer using this country. |
CUST_CONTINENT_VELOCITY (CustomerGisContinentVelocity) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of events received for this customer using this continent. |
Factors based on mobile session information | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
AVG_CUSTOMER_WEEKLY_ SESSION (AverageCustomerWeeklySession) | NUMBER Daily | Average number of sessions opened within a week during the last period (default value: six months). |
AVG_CUSTOMER_MONTHLY_ SESSION (AverageCustomerMonthlySession) | NUMBER Daily | Average number of sessions opened within a month during the last period (default value: six months). |
TIME_SINCE_LAST_SESSION (TimeSinceLastSession) | NUMBER Real time | Time (in seconds) elapsed since the last session was closed (time since the event in the previous session). |
TIME_SINCE_LAST_REQUEST (TimeSinceLastRequest) | NUMBER Real time | Time (in seconds) elapsed since the last request within the same session (time between two events within the same session). |
NUM_REQUEST_IN_SESSION (NumRequestInSession) | NUMBER Real time | Number of requests submitted in the current session. |
EARLY_MORNING (EarlyMorning) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 6 a.m.and 9 a.m. |
LATE_MORNING (LateMorning) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 9 a.m.and 12 a.m. |
EARLY_AFTERNOON (EarlyAfternoon) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 12 a.m.and 3 p.m. |
LATE_AFTERNOON (LateAfternoon) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. |
EARLY_EVENING (EarlyEvening) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 6 p.m.and 9 p.m. |
LATE_EVENING (LateEvening) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m. |
NIGHT (Night) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m. |
BEGIN_MONTH (BeginMonth) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between the 1st and the 10th day of the month. |
MIDDLE_MONTH (MiddleMonth) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN between 11th and the 20th day of the month. |
END_MONTH (EndMonth) | BOOLEAN Real time | NME/TXN after 20th day of the month. |
Factors based on mobile application data | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
C_NEW_APPUID (IsNewCustomerApplicationId) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application UID is new for this customer.. |
B_NEW_BANK_APPUID (IsNewBankApplication) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application UID is new for the bank. |
B_NEW_APP_VERSION (IsNewApplicationVersion) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the version of the application is new (i.e. not known to the bank). |
APP_VERSION_COUNT (ApplicationVersionCount) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of different app versions used by the customer (the number is incremented each time the current version changes). |
APP_RELEASE_AGE (ApplicationReleaseAge) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of days since the release date. |
IS_APP_OS_LANGUAGE_MATCHING (IsApplicationOSLanguageMatch) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application language and the OS language are the same. |
IS_PIN_PROTECTED (IsPinProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is PIN-protected (as received in the CDDC event). |
PIN_ENTROPY (PinEntropy) | NUMBER Real time | Checks if the PIN entropy value corresponds to the value received in the CDDC event. |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_PIN_PROT (IsSamePreviousPinProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if PIN protection is the same as for the previous event for the same relationship_ref and application UID values. |
PIN_PROT_CHANGE_CURWEEK (PinProtectedChangeCurrentWeek) | NUMBER Daily | Checks how often PIN protection has changed in the last week. |
IS_FINGER_PROTECTED (IsFingerPrintProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is fingerprint-protected (as received in the CDDC event). |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_FINGER_PROT (IsSamePreviousFPProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if fingerprint protection is the same as for the previous event for the same relationship_ref and application UID values. |
FINGER_PROT_CHANGE_CURWEEK (FPProtectedChangeCurrentWeek) | NUMBER Daily | Checks how often the fingerprint protection has changed in the last week. |
IS_FACE_PROTECTED (IsFaceProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is face-protected. |
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_FACE_PROT (IsSamePreviousFaceProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if face protection is the same as for the previous event for the same relationship_ref and application UID values. |
FACE_PROT_CHANGE_CURWEEK (FaceProtChangeCurrentWeek) | NUMBER Daily | Checks how often face protection has changed in the last week. |
IS_FACE_ENROLLED (IsFaceEnrolled) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the face of the end user has been enrolled. |
IS_FACE_ENROLLED_ON_DEVICE (IsFaceEnrolledOnDevice) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the face of the end user has been enrolled from this device. |
LAST_FACE_VERIFICATION_SCORE (LastFaceVerificationScore) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the face recognition verification score computed during the authentication. The value must be between –1 and 1, >=0 means authenticated. |
IS_FACE_SPOOFING_DETECTED (IsFaceSpoofingDetected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if a spoofing attack has been detected during face verification. |
C_NUM_FACE_SPOOFING_PERIOD C_NUM_FACE_SPOOFING_SHTTIME C_NUM_FACE_SPOOFING_MEDTIME C_NUM_FACE_SPOOFING_LNGTIME (NumFaceSpoofingShtTime) (NumFaceSpoofingMedTime) (NumFaceSpoofingLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks how often spoofing attacks were detected on the device for the last period as defined (short, medium, long time). Default values:
FACE_SAMPLE_QUAL (FaceSampleQuality) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the quality of the captured samples during face verification. The value must be between 0 and 1. |
IS_BEHAVIOR_PROTECTED (IsBehaviorProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is user-behavior-protected. Values: BEHAVIOR_PROTECTED=
IS_PREVEVT_SAME_BEHAVIOR_PROT (IsSamePreviousBehaviorProt) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the behavior protection is the same as for the previous event for the same relationship_ref and application UID values. |
BEHAVIOR_PROT_CHANGE_CURWEEK (BehavProtChangeCurrentWeek) | NUMBER Daily | Checks how often user behavior protection has changed in the last week. |
IS_BEHAVIOR_TRAINED (IsBehaviorTrained) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the authentication server is trained to be able to authenticate the user’s behavior. This factor is deprecated. OneSpan recommends using directly the input field BEHAVIOR_TRAINED which provides the same information. |
LAST_BEHAV_VERIFICATION_SCORE (LastBehaviorVerifScore) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the user behavior verification score computed during the authentication. The value ranges from 0 to 1. This factor is deprecated. OneSpan recommends using directly the input field BEHAVIOR_SCORE which provides the same information. |
LAST_BEHAV_VERIFICATION_CONF (LastBehaviorVerifConf) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the confidence of the user behavior verification score computed during the authentication. The value ranges from 0 to 1. This factor is deprecated. OneSpan recommends using directly the input field BEHAVIOR_CONFIDENCE which provides the same information. |
PROTECTION_TYPE (ProtectionType) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the type of protection(s) used for OTP generation. The value is a combination of one or more protection type bitmask values below:
IS_PROT_NOPIN_CUST_PERIOD IS_PROT_NOPIN_CUST_SHTTIME IS_PROT_NOPIN_CUST_MEDTIME IS_PROT_NOPIN_CUST_LNGTIME (IsProtNoPinCustShtTime) (IsProtNoPinCustMedTime) (IsProtNoPinCustLngTime) | BOOLEAN Daily | Checks if an event with NO PIN protection related to the customer has been received during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
IS_PROT_PIN_CUST_PERIOD IS_PROT_PIN_CUST_SHTTIME IS_PROT_PIN_CUST_MEDTIME IS_PROT_PIN_CUST_LNGTIME (IsProtPinCustShtTime) IsProtPinCustMedTime) (IsProtPinCustLngTime) | BOOLEAN Daily | Checks if an event with PIN protection related to the customer has been received during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
IS_PROT_FPRINT_CUST_PERIOD IS_PROT_FPRINT_CUST_SHTTIME IS_PROT_FPRINT_CUST_MEDTIME IS_PROT_FPRINT_CUST_LNGTIME (IsProtFPCustShtTime) (IsProtFPCustMedTime) (IsProtFPCustLngTime) | BOOLEAN Daily | Checks if an event with fingerprint protection related to the customer has been received during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
IS_PROT_FACE_CUST_PERIOD IS_PROT_FACE_CUST_SHTTIME IS_PROT_FACE_CUST_MEDTIME IS_PROT_FACE_CUST_LNGTIME (IsProtFaceCustShtTime) (IsProtFaceCustMedTime) (IsProtFaceCustLngTime) | BOOLEAN Daily | Checks if an event with face recognition protection related to the customer has been received during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
IS_PROT_BEHAV_CUST_PERIOD IS_PROT_BEHAV_CUST_SHTTIME IS_PROT_BEHAV_CUST_MEDTIME IS_PROT_BEHAV_CUST_LNGTIME (IsProtBehavCustShtTime) (IsProtBehavCustMedTime) (IsProtBehavCustLngTime) | BOOLEAN Daily | Checks if an event with user behavior protection related to the customer has been received during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
C_NUM_NOPIN_OTP_CUST_PERIOD C_NUM_NOPIN_OTP_CUST_SHTTIME C_NUM_NOPIN_OTP_CUST_MEDTIME C_NUM_NOPIN_OTP_CUST_LNGTIME (NumNoPinOtpCustShtTime) (NumNoPinOtpCustMedTime) (NumNoPinOtpCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of OTPs generated by the customer with NO PIN protection during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
C_NUM_PIN_OTP_CUST_PERIOD C_NUM_PIN_OTP_CUST_SHTTIME C_NUM_PIN_OTP_CUST_MEDTIME C_NUM_PIN_OTP_CUST_LNGTIME (NumPinOtpCustShtTime) (NumPinOtpCustMedTime) (NumPinOtpCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of OTPs generated by the customer with PIN protection during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
C_NUM_FING_OTP_PERIOD C_NUM_FING_OTP_SHTTIME C_NUM_FING_OTP_MEDTIME C_NUM_FING_OTP_LNGTIME (NumFPOtpCustShtTime) (NumFPOtpCustMedTime) (NumFPOtpCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of OTPs generated by the customer with fingerprint protection during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
C_NUM_FACE_OTP_PERIOD C_NUM_FACE_OTP_SHTTIME C_NUM_FACE_OTP_MEDTIME C_NUM_FACE_OTP_LNGTIME (NumFaceOtpCustShtTime) (NumFaceOtpCustMedTime) (NumFaceOtpCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of OTPs generated by the customer with face protection during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
IS_SECURE_ELEMENT (IsSecureElement) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is using a secure element (hardware) to store secret keys. |
IS_SECURE_ELEMENT_MISMATCH (IsSecureElementMismatch) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is no longer using a secure element to store secret keys. |
IS_RASP_PROTECTED (IsRaspProtected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is App Shielding-protected. |
IS_RASP_PROTECTED_MISMATCH (IsRaspProtectedMismatch) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the application is no longer App Shielding-protected. |
NUM_DIST_BSSID_PERIOD NUM_DIST_BSSID_SHTTIME NUM_DIST_BSSID_MEDTIME NUM_DIST_BSSID_LNGTIME (NumDistBSSIDShtTime) (NumDistBSSIDMedTime) (NumDistBSSIDLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of different connected Wi-Fi BSSID during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
NUM_EVENT_FOR_KBD (NumEventForKeyboard) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of events received for the customer app using this keyboard ID. |
NUM_EVENT_FOR_LAUNCHER (NumEventForLauncher) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of events received for the customer app using this launcher ID (Android only). |
NUM_DP_FOR_CUST_APPLICATION (NumDPForCustomerApplication) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of Digipass authenticators used by the customer instance of the application. (Digipass authenticator means distinct serial and sequence numbers.) |
NUM_CUST_APPLICATION_FOR_DP (NumCustomerApplicationForDP) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the number of application instances using the same Digipass authenticator. (Digipass authenticator means distinct serial and sequence numbers.) |
Factors based on mobile application protection (App Shielding) | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
IS_REPACKAGED_APPLICATION (IsRepackaged) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the host application was repackaged. Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
IS_DEBUGGER_ATTACHED (IsDebuggerAttached) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if a debugger is attached to the host application. Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
DEBUGGER_CUST_PERIOD DEBUGGER_CUST_SHTTIME DEBUGGER_CUST_MEDTIME DEBUGGER_CUST_LNGTIME (DebuggerCustomerShtTime) (DebuggerCustomerMedTime) (DebuggerCustomerLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with an attached debugger received for the customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
DEBUGGER_DEV_PERIOD DEBUGGER_DEV_SHTTIME DEBUGGER_DEV_MEDTIME DEBUGGER_DEV_LNGTIME (DebuggerDeviceShtTime) (DebuggerDeviceMedTime) (DebuggerDeviceLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with an attached debugger received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
IS_SCREENSHOT_DETECTED (IsScreenshotDetected) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if a screenshot of the application has been taken. Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
SCREENSHOT_CUST_PERIOD SCREENSHOT_CUST_SHTTIME SCREENSHOT_CUST_MEDTIME SCREENSHOT_CUST_LNGTIME (ScreenshotCustomerShtTime) (ScreenshotCustomerMedTime) (ScreenshotCustomerLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with a detected screenshot received for the customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
SCREENSHOT_DEV_PERIOD SCREENSHOT_DEV_SHTTIME SCREENSHOT_DEV_MEDTIME SCREENSHOT_DEV_LNGTIME (ScreenshotDeviceShtTime) (ScreenshotDeviceMedTime) (ScreenshotDeviceLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with a detected screenshot received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
IS_LIBINJECT_DETECTION (IsLibraryInjectionDetection) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if there was an attempt to inject an untrusted library into the application during runtime. Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
LIBINJECT_CUST_PERIOD LIBINJECT_CUST_SHTTIME LIBINJECT_CUST_MEDTIME LIBINJECT_CUST_LNGTIME (LibInjectionCustShtTime) (LibInjectionCustMedTime) (LibInjectionCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with a detected library injection received for this customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
LIBINJECT_DEV_PERIOD LIBINJECT_DEV_SHTTIME LIBINJECT_DEV_MEDTIME LIBINJECT_DEV_LNGTIME (LibInjectionDeviceShtTime) (LibInjectionDeviceMedTime) (LibInjectionDeviceLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with a detected library injection received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running under iOS. |
ROOTING_PROBABILITY (RootingProbability) | NUMBER Real time | Checks the probability that the device has been rooted using heuristics. The value ranges from 0 and 100. Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
AVG_ROOTING_PROBA_PERIOD AVG_ROOTING_PROBA_SHTTIME AVG_ROOTING_PROBA_MEDTIME AVG_ROOTING_PROBA_LNGTIME (AvgRootingProbaShtTime) (AvgRootingProbaMedTime) (AvgRootingProbaLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the average rooting probability for the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
IS_UNTRUSTED_KBD (IsUntrustedKeyboard) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the keyboard is untrusted. Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
UNTRUSTED_KBD_CUST_PERIOD UNTRUSTED_KBD_CUST_SHTTIME UNTRUSTED_KBD_CUST_MEDTIME UNTRUSTED_KBD_CUST_LNGTIME (UntrustedKbdCustShtTime) (UntrustedKbdCustMedTime) (UntrustedKbdCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with an untrusted keyboard received for the customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
UNTRUSTED_KBD_DEV_PERIOD UNTRUSTED_KBD_DEV_SHTTIME UNTRUSTED_KBD_DEV_MEDTIME UNTRUSTED_KBD_DEV_LNGTIME (UntrustedKbdDeviceShtTime) (UntrustedKbdDeviceMedTime) (UntrustedKbdDeviceLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with an untrusted keyboard received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
IS_UNTRUSTED_SCREEN (IsUntrustedScreen) | BOOLEAN | Checks if the screen reader is untrusted. Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_CUST_PERIOD UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_CUST_SHTTIME UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_CUST_MEDTIME UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_CUST_LNGTIME (UntrustedScreenCustShtTime) (UntrustedScreenCustMedTime) (UntrustedScreenCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with an untrusted screen reader received for the customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_DEV_PERIOD UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_DEV_SHTTIME UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_DEV_MEDTIME UNTRUSTED_SCREEN_DEV_LNGTIME (UntrustedKbdDeviceShtTime) (UntrustedKbdDeviceMedTime) (UntrustedKbdDeviceLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with an untrusted screen reader received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
IS_HOOKING_FRMWORK (IsHookingFrmWork) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if one or more hooking frameworks are present in the process. Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
HOOKING_FRMWORK_CUST_PERIOD HOOKING_FRMWORK_CUST_SHTTIME HOOKING_FRMWORK_CUST_MEDTIME HOOKING_FRMWORK_CUST_LNGTIME (HookingFrmWorkCustShtTime) (HookingFrmWorkCustMedTime) (HookingFrmWorkCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with a detected hooking framework received for the customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
HOOKING_FRMWORK_DEV_PERIOD HOOKING_FRMWORK_DEV_SHTTIME HOOKING_FRMWORK_DEV_MEDTIME HOOKING_FRMWORK_DEV_LNGTIME (HookingFrmWorkDevShtTime) (HookingFrmWorkDevMedTime) (HookingFrmWorkDevLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with a detected hooking framework received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
IS_NATIVE_CODE_HOOK (IsNativeCodeHook) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if native code hooks are present. Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_CUST_PERIOD NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_CUST_SHTTIME NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_CUST_MEDTIME NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_CUST_LNGTIME (NativeCodeHookCustShtTime) (NativeCodeHookCustMedTime) (NativeCodeHookCustLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with native code hooks present received for the customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_DEV_PERIOD NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_DEV_SHTTIME NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_DEV_MEDTIME NATIVE_CODE_HOOK_DEV_LNGTIME (NativeCodeHookDevShtTime) (NativeCodeHookDevMedTime) (NativeCodeHookDevLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Checks the number of events with native code hooks present received from the device during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
Only for App Shielding applications running on Android. |
Other common factors | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
C_NUM_SESS_SAME_NETWORK (NumSessionSameNetworkCust) | NUMBER Real time | Number of sessions using the current GSM network for this customer (i.e. relationship_ref). The number of sessions excludes the current one. |
C_NUM_SESS_SAME_DEVICE (NumSessionSameDevice) | NUMBER Real time | Number of sessions using the device for this customer (i.e. relationship_ref). The number of sessions excludes the current one. |
C_NUM_SESS_SAME_BENEF (NumSessionSameBenef) | NUMBER Real time | Number of sessions using the beneficiary or creditor for this customer (i.e. relationship_ref). The number of sessions excludes the current one. |
C_IP_NETWORK_AGE (IPNetworkAgeCust) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) first used the current GSM network. |
C_GIS_CITY_AGE (GisCityAgeCust) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the first event sent by the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) from the city identified by GIS_CITY. |
C_GIS_COUNTRY_AGE (GisCountryAgeCust) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the first event sent by the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) from the country identified by GIS_COUNTRY. |
C_DEVICE_AGE (DeviceAge) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) first used this device. |
C_BENEFICIARY_IBAN_AGE (BeneficiaryIbanAge) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) first used this beneficiary. |
C_BENEFICIARY_BANK_COUNTRY_AGE (BeneficiaryBankCountryAge) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) first used this beneficiary bank country. |
C_BENEFICIARY_BANK_AGE (BeneficiaryBankAge) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) first used this beneficiary bank. |
B_OS_VERSION_AGE (OSVersionAgeAnyCustomer) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since any customer of the bank first used the current OS version. |
C_OS_VERSION_AGE (OSVersionAgeCurrentCustomer) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) first used the current OS version. |
AUTHENT_STATUS (AuthentStatus) | NUMBER Real time | Status on a customer authentication that possibly occurs for the current event. Possible values: 0: No Authentication. 1: Simple Authentication Failed 2: Simple Authentication Success 3: Strong Authentication Failed 4: Strong Authentication Success |
C_LAST_SCA_DATE (LastScaDateCustomer) | DATE Real time | Date of the last successful Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for the current customer. 1/1/1970 00:00:00 if the customer has never performed a strong authentication. |
C_LAST_SCA_AGE (LastScaAgeCustomer) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the last successful SCA for the current customer. Number of days since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 if the customer has never performed a strong authentication. |
C_TPP_LAST_SCA_CONSENT_DATE (TppLastScaConsentDateCustomer) | DATE Real time | Date of the last successful SCA applied to access the account (XS2A) consent for the current customer (i.e. relationship_ref) and the current TPP (i.e. tpp_ref). 1/1/1970 00:00:00 if the customer has never performed a strong authentication to give XS2A consent to this TPP. |
C_TPP_LAST_SCA_CONSENT_AGE (TppLastScaConsentAgeCustomer) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the last successful SCA applied to XS2A consent for the current customer (i.e. relationship_ref) and the current TPP (i.e. tpp_ref). Number of days since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 if the customer has never performed a strong authentication to give XS2A consent to this TPP. |
C_IS_BENEF_TRUSTED (IsBenefTrustedCustomer) | BOOLEAN Real time | Indicates if the beneficiary of the current event or transaction is trusted for the current customer . Possible values: 0: the beneficiary is not trusted 1: the beneficiary is trusted |
C_BENEF_TRUSTED_AGE (BenefTrustedAgeCustomer) | NUMBER Real time | Number of days since the beneficiary became trusted for the current customer. 0 if the beneficiary is not or no longer trusted. |
C_NUM_FAILED_TXN_CUST_PERIOD C_NUM_FAILED_TXN_CUST_SHTTIME C_NUM_FAILED_TXN_CUST_MEDTIME C_NUM_FAILED_TXN_CUST_LNGTIME (NumFailedTxnShtTime) (NumFailedTxnMedTime) (NumFailedTxnLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Number of failed transactions in the last period as defined (short, medium, long) for this customer. Default values:
SAME_SESSION_COUNTRY (SameSessionCountry) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the GIS country of the event is the same as the country used for the previous web or mobile event in the session. |
PREVIOUS_WEB_MOB_EVT_DISTANCE | NUMBER Real time | Distance in km from the previous event (web or mobile) for the same relationship_ref value. The distance is calculated based on the latitude and longitude. |
Factors specific to mobile non-monetary events | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
C_NUM_FAILED_LOGIN_PERIOD C_NUM_FAILED_LOGIN_SHTTIME C_NUM_FAILED_LOGIN_MEDTIME C_NUM_FAILED_LOGIN_LNGTIME (NumFailedLoginShtTime) (NumFailedLoginMedTime) (NumFailedLoginLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Number of failed login attempts by this customer during the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
NUM_SAME_NME_TYPE (NumSameNMEType) | NUMBER Daily | Number of non-monetary events of the same type occurring in the last period (default value: three months) for this customer. |
AVG_WEEKLY_LOGIN (AverageWeeklyLogin) | NUMBER Daily | Average number of weekly successful logins of this customer in the last six months. |
C_NUM_LOGIN_CURRENT_WEEK (NumLoginCurrentWeek) | NUMBER Daily | Number of logins by this customer in the current week (covers a time period of the last 7 days). |
HIGH_ACTIVITY (HighActivity) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the number of logins of the current customer during the current week is higher than the average number of weekly logins (NumLoginCurrentWeek > AverageWeeklyLogin?). |
CHANGE (Change) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the profile status has changed. |
C_NEW_BENEFICIARY_IBAN_SESS (NewCustomerBeneficiaryIBAN) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the beneficiary account (e.g. IBAN) is on the list of known accounts used by this customer during the last period (default value: one year). |
C_NEW_BENEFICIARY_BANK_SESS (NewCustomerBeneficiaryBank) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the beneficiary bank is on the list of known beneficiary banks used by this customer during the last period (default value: one year). |
C_NEW_BENEFICIARY_COUNTRY_SESS (NewCustomerBeneficiaryCountry) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the beneficiary country is on the list of known beneficiary countries used by this customer during the last period (default value: six months). |
C_NEW_BENEFICIARY_NAME_SESS (NewCustomerBeneficiaryName) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if the beneficiary name is on the list of known beneficiary names used by this customer during the last period (default value: six months). |
CHANGE_SUCCESS (NumChangeSuccess) | NUMBER Daily | Number of successful updates to contacts (create new or change existing fields) during the last week. |
CHANGE_FAIL (NumChangeFail) | NUMBER Daily | Number of failed updates to contacts (create new or change existing fields) during the last week. |
B_NEW_BENEFICIARY_IBAN (NewEverBeneficiaryIBAN) | BOOLEAN Real time | Checks if this beneficiary's IBAN is known to the bank. |
C_NUM_NEW_BENEFICIARY_SUCCESS (NumNewBeneficiarySuccess) | NUMBER Daily | Number of successful instances to create new beneficiaries for this customer during the last period (default value: six months). |
C_NUM_NEW_BENEFICIARY_FAIL (NumNewBeneficiaryFail) | NUMBER Daily | Number of failed attempts to create new beneficiaries for this customer during the last period (default value: six months). |
Factors specific to mobile transactions | ||
Factor | Factor type | Description |
(Configuration label) | Execution type | |
NUM_ACC_LINK_TO_BENEF (NumAccountLinkToBeneficiary) | NUMBER Real time | Number of different accounts performing transactions to this beneficiary over the last week. It also checks if these are included in the whitelist. |
ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_PERIOD ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_SHTTIME ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_MEDTIME ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_LNGTIME (TxnAmountAttemptShtTime) (TxnAmountAttemptMedTime) (TxnAmountAttemptLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Transfer sums of outgoing transfer attempts for this account over the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
ACC_NUM_TXN_ATTEMPT_PERIOD ACC_NUM_TXN_ATTEMPT_SHTTIME ACC_NUM_TXN_ATTEMPT_MEDTIME ACC_NUM_TXN_ATTEMPT_LNGTIME (NumTxnAttemptShtTime) (NumTxnAttemptMedTime) (NumTxnAttemptLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Number of outgoing transfer attempts for this account over the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
NUM_SAME_CREDITOR_ATTEMPT (NumSameCreditorAttempt) | NUMBER Daily | Number of outgoing transfer attempts to the same beneficiary during the last period (default value: three months). |
ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_SUCCESS_ PERIOD ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_SUCCESS_ SHTTIME ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_SUCCESS_ MEDTIME ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_SUCCESS_ LNGTIME (TxnAmountSuccessShtTime) (TxnAmountSuccessMedTime) (TxnAmountSuccessLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Transfer sums of successful outgoing transfers for this account over the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
ACC_NUM_TXN_SUCESS_PERIOD ACC_NUM_TXN_SUCESS_SHTTIME ACC_NUM_TXN_SUCESS_MEDTIME ACC_NUM_TXN_SUCESS_LNGTIME (NumTxnSuccessShtTime) (NumTxnSuccessMedTime) (NumTxnSuccessLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Number of successful outgoing transfers for this account over the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
NUM_SAME_CREDITOR_SUCCESS (NumSameCreditorSuccess) | NUMBER Daily | Number of successful outgoing transfers to the same beneficiary in the last period (default value: three months). |
ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_FAIL_PERIOD ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_FAIL_SHTTIME ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_FAIL_MEDTIME ACC_TXN_AMOUNT_FAIL_LNGTIME (TxnAmountFailShtTime) (TxnAmountFailMedTime) (TxnAmountFailLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Transfer sums of failed outgoing transfers for this account over the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
ACC_NUM_TXN_FAIL_PERIOD ACC_NUM_TXN_FAIL_SHTTIME ACC_NUM_TXN_FAIL_MEDTIME ACC_NUM_TXN_FAIL_LNGTIME (NumTxnFailShtTime) (NumTxnFailMedTime) (NumTxnFailLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Number of failed outgoing transfers for this account over the last period as defined (short, medium, long). Default values:
NUM_SAME_CREDITOR_FAIL (NumSameCreditorFail) | NUMBER Daily | Number of failed outgoing transfers to the same beneficiary during the last period (default value: three months). |
C_NUM_TXN_TO_BENEF (NumCustTxnToCreditor) | NUMBER Real time | Number of outgoing transfers from the customer to this beneficiary. |
C_STDDEV_TXN_AMOUNT_SHT (StdDevTxnAmountShtTime) | NUMBER Daily | Standard deviations between the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) amount mean (for the last month) and the current transaction amount. |
C_STDDEV_TXN_AMOUNT_LNG (StdDevTxnAmountLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Standard deviations between the customer (i.e. relationship_ref) amount mean (for the last three months) and the current transaction amount. |
C_MEAN_TXN_AMOUNT_SHT (MeanTxnAmountShtTime) | NUMBER Daily | Customer (i.e. relationship_ref) transaction amount mean for the last month. |
C_MEAN_TXN_AMOUNT_LNG (MeanTxnAmountLngTime) | NUMBER Daily | Customer (i.e. relationship_ref) transaction amount mean for the last three months. |
1For more information see https://cdn.document360.io/038f59a7-abd0-4c14-9de7-3434d28b49fd/Images/Documentation/calcul distances(1).htm.