Basic integration
  • 09 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
  • Sombre
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Basic integration

  • Sombre
  • PDF

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan App Shielding is integrated as a fully automatic post-compilation step, operating on a complete, signed, iOS application (.ipa file, .app or an application packed in a zip file) using the Shielding Tool command line tool, or as an integrated part of building the app with Xcode. The Shielding Tool will add App Shielding to the application, configure it correctly and bind the application to App Shielding. Finally, it will re-sign the app.

In order to integrate App Shielding into an existing iOS application (.ipa or .app), the following steps must be followed:

  1. Build, sign and prepare your application

  2. Create a configuration file (e.g., config.xml)

  3. Run the Shielding Tool to automatically integrate App Shielding into the application.

A simple illustration of the integration process operating on a complete and ready app.

The modified application includes OneSpan App Shielding after integration has been done. The modified app is typically re-signed by the Shielding Tool.

For a more complete description of the integration process, see Integrating App Shielding.

For a deeper integration with App Shielding inside the application, please read more about the App Shielding APIs and the SDK in Adding the framework.

App Shielding will typically need to re-sign the application. This requires the correct certificate to be available to App Shielding. See Signing for details.

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