bulkCleanupDigipassInstances (Command)
  • 18 Dec 2024
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bulkCleanupDigipassInstances (Command)

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Résumé de l’article

Availability: OneSpan Authentication Server 3.27 and later

Scenario: Administration

The bulkCleanupDigipassInstances command deletes all authenticators instances that are not used. An authenticator instance is considered unused if another authenticator instance for the same authenticator license exists, which uses the same DIGIPASS Push Notification Identifier (PNID) but has a higher sequence number.

The command schedules a server task that processes the authenticator instances in the specified search range. The search is done in blocks of 10,000 instances. The deletion of unused authenticator instances is done in blocks of 100 instances per database transaction.


  Table: bulkCleanupDigipassInstances input parameters
Parameter nameData typeDescription
sessionIDStringRequired. The session identifier of the current administrative session. The logon command returns this identifier after a successful logon (see logon (Command)).

Optional. The domain to search for unused authenticators instances.

If omitted, all domains within the administrative scope of the session owner are searched.


Optional. The organizational unit (OU) to search for unused authenticators instances.

If omitted, all organizational units within the administrative scope of the administrative session owner are searched.


Optional. Specifies whether the specified organizational unit (OU) and all child OUs should be searched.

If omitted and the search scope includes an OU, either implicitly because the administrative session owner is member of an OU or explicitly because orgunit is specified, this value is handled as true.


Required. Specifies the server on which the task should run.

Possible values:

  • Specific. A specific server executes the task. Typically the server that is used to schedule the task.
  • Any. Any server will execute the task, but only one server. For immediate non-scheduled tasks, this is typically the server that is used to schedule the task. For scheduled tasks a random server will run the task.
  • All. All servers will execute the task, meaning the task will be run as many times as servers are available.
scheduleScheduleChoiceOptional. Specifies the schedule that the task should run. You can also specify whether and how to notify the user when the task is completed with the notify parameter.

Optional. The notification delivery method to notify the user on completion of the task. The required contact information must be defined in the respective user account. This option is only effective if schedule is set. If omitted, the user will not be notified.

Possible values:

  • Email
  • SMS
  Table: bulkCleanupDigipassInstances output parameters
Parameter nameData typeDescription

Required. The error stack, if applicable, which indicates that the command has not completed successfully. This also includes the result and status codes returned by the command.

resultBulkCleanupDigipassInstancesResultRequired. The output field for this command.

ScheduleChoice (Data type)

The ScheduleChoice data type contains of choice elements that define how the task should be scheduled. Only one of the choice elements can be specified.

  Table: ScheduleChoice (Data type)
Element nameData typeDescription
onceScheduleOnceRequired. A choice element that defines if and how the task should be scheduled to run once.
dailyScheduleRecurrenceDailyRequired. A choice element that defines if and how the task should be scheduled to run on a daily basis.
monthlyScheduleRecurrenceMonthlyRequired. A choice element that defines if and how the task should be scheduled to run on a monthly basis.

ScheduleOnce (Data type)

  Table: ScheduleOnce (Data type)
Element nameData typeDescription
timeDateTimeRequired. The date and time to schedule the task to run once.

ScheduleRecurrenceDaily (Data type)

  Table: ScheduleRecurrenceDaily (Data type)
Element nameData typeDescription
timeTimeRequired. The time of the day to run the task.
weekdaysScheduleRecurrenceWeekdaysRequired. The days of the week to run the task. Each day is a boolean value.

ScheduleRecurrenceMonthly (Data type)

  Table: ScheduleRecurrenceMonthly (Data type)
Element nameData typeDescription
timeTimeRequired. The time of the day to run the task.
dayUnsigned Integer

Required. The day of the month to run the task.

Possible values: 131

monthsScheduleRecurrenceMonthsRequired. The months of the year to run the task. Each month is a boolean value.

BulkCleanupDigipassInstancesResult (Data type)

  Table: BulkCleanupDigipassInstancesResult (Data type)
Element nameData typeDescription
taskIDStringRequired. The ID of the scheduled server task.


Schedule a task to run on the fifth of March and September at 9:00 UTC to delete unused authenticators in the myDomain domain and notify by email.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:adm="http://www.vasco.com/IdentikeyServer/IdentikeyTypes/Administration">


Required administrative privileges:

  • Administrative Logon
  • Bulk Cleanup DIGIPASS Data
  • Delete DIGIPASS
  • View Domain
  • View Organizational Unit
  • View Task

Additional considerations

You can configure the database chunk size for the search and the delete operations by setting the values of Task-Manager_TaskProcessing_BatchRecordCount and Task-Manager_TaskProcessing_TransactionRecordCount in the vdsConfiguration table, respectively.

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