CLIENTS – Client (tab)
  • 08 Jan 2025
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CLIENTS – Client (tab)

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Résumé de l’article

The CLIENTS > Client tab contains information about the client component.

Record changes (add, change, delete) will not take effect immediately on all OneSpan Authentication Server instances unless replication is used to synchronize the instances. If replication is not used, changes to records will take effect when each instance is restarted, once the change is available to it in its data store. Alternatively, if there is no restart, the record cache will refresh from the data store approximately every 15 minutes.

Table: CLIENTS – Client tab
Field nameDescription
EnabledIf selected, this client component is enabled and accepted when it attempts to communicate with OneSpan Authentication Server.
Client Type

The client component type represented by the record. For SOAP clients, the type needs to match the component type parameter passed in the SOAP requests. Each application can identify itself as a different type of client.

In addition there are some pre-defined standard values:

  • Administration Program
  • Citrix Storefront
  • DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon
  • DIGIPASS Gateway
  • IDENTIKEY User Websites
  • IIS Module
  • Microsoft ADFS
  • Outlook Web Access
  • RADIUS Client
  • Windows Remote Desktop Web

The IP address (or range, CIDR notation) or name of the machine represented by the record. For SOAP and SEAL client components the location can either be specific IP addresses or IP address ranges using CIDR notation.

For RADIUS clients, the location must be the NAS-IP-Address or NAS-Identifier values that are sent in the RADIUS requests. A RADIUS client with the location set to  default can be used to accept RADIUS requests from all IP addresses, using the same shared secret. However, where a RADIUS client record with the exact location exists, its shared secret will be used in preference to the default RADIUS client's shared secret.

For DIGIPASS Authentication for Windows Logon client components, the location can either be a specific IP address or an IP address range specified using CIDR notation to cover a specific client machine or a range of allowed client machines. A Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon client component with the location set to default (usually created during installation) can be used as fallback to accept requests from all IP addresses.

For all other client types the location must be the source IP address (range) of requests which originate from that client component.

Protocol ID

The protocol by which requests will be received from the client:

  • SOAP. The standard SOAP protocol over HTTPS. This is used by programs using the SOAP interface from the SDK, Web Administration Service, User Self-Management Website, Digipass Authentication Module products, and Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon 2.x and later.
  • RADIUS. The standard RADIUS protocol. This is used by various remote network access hardware and software systems. It can also be used as a simple authentication programming interface.
  • SEAL. A proprietary TCP/IP based protocol used by VACMAN Middleware 3.x. It is used by the Tcl Command-Line Administration tool and for replication between OneSpan Authentication Server instances.
Policy ID

The name of the policy that should be used for authentication, provisioning, and signature validation requests from the client component.

DescriptionA custom text to describe the client component.

Read-only. The date and time that the record was created.


Read-only. The date and time that the record was last modified.

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