Client Device Data Collector Integration
  • 28 Oct 2024
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Client Device Data Collector Integration

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Résumé de l’article

The Client Device Data Collector integration requires a CDDC JavaScript to be included in the web pages. The installation package contains integration web samples to demonstrate the integration.

For instructions to install and set up the OneSpan Risk Analytics database and software, refer to the OneSpan Risk Analytics Installation Guide.

Integrating the CDDC JavaScript in your web pages

The CDDC JavaScript file is available in the legacy CDDC JavaScript UI package on the Risk Analytics resource download page. The script is available as a jQuery module (Vasco.IdKey.RM.CDDC.min.js).

Using the web sample

With the XML web sample, the integration of Data Collector web service can be demonstrated.

XML web sample usage

The XML web sample demonstrates the integration of the CDDC JavaScript to retrieve the fingerprint raw and hash values. It is contained in the folder named \inetpub\wwwroot\Vasco\IRMXMLDemoSample\Scripts. The script contains an integration example of the CDDC JavaScript into an ASP .NET webpage. The webpage retrieves the fingerprint raw and hash values included in the hidden fields of the XML posted to Data Collector web service. The XML web sample allows sending transaction and non-monetary posts to Data Collector web service.

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