Client Device Data Collector SDK overview
  • 03 Dec 2024
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Client Device Data Collector SDK overview

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Résumé de l’article

The Client Device Data Collector SDK (CDDC SDK) provides facilities to aggregate information from various mobile sources for risk evaluation of mobile transactions by OneSpan Risk Analytics. To mitigate the risks associated with mobile transactions, the CDDC SDK retrieves contextual information, such as the device model and the current position from the client device, and uses it to create user behavior profiles.

CDDC SDK (Overview)

The CDDC SDK provides an API to aggregate the relevant client device information in RA-readable messages. Risk Analytics uses these CDDC messages to evaluate the risk of mobile transactions.

Collect client device data with the CDDC SDK

The OneSpan Mobile Security Suite Secure Channel feature can be used to securely transfer the collected data from the client to the server to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation of the data. For more information about this feature, see Secure Channel or the Digipass SDK Integration Guide.

For more detailed information about the SDK and integration instructions, refer to the Client Device Data Collector SDK Integration Guide.

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