Configure OAS Authentication SDK for SDK integration
  • 17 Dec 2024
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Configure OAS Authentication SDK for SDK integration

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Résumé de l’article

Before integrating either OneSpan Authentication Server SDK or OAS Authentication SDK in your website, ensure that OneSpan Authentication Server is installed properly.

The following scenarios should also be enabled:

  • Authentication
  • Signature

For more information about installing OneSpan Authentication Server, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Installation Guide for Windows or the OneSpan Authentication ServerInstallation Guide for Linux.

OneSpan Authentication Server must also be configured accordingly in order to install the SDK sample website. You can apply all the required settings via the OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Utility.

The settings are as follows:

  • Communicators. In the SOAP tab, the SOAP protocol must be enabled.
  • OneSpan Authentication Server Component. A component must be defined for the IP address of OneSpan Authentication Server.
  • License. A license must be loaded for the OneSpan Authentication Server component. This license should have SOAP enabled, along with the different SOAP features you want to test using the sample website.

A policy record is also required to instruct OneSpan Authentication Server on what to do with authentication requests from the integrated website.

To create a policy record to manage authentication requests from an integrated website

  1. Launch the Administration Web Interface.
  2. Go to Policies > List.
  3. Create a policy with the following recommended settings:

    • Back-End Authentication: None
    • Local Authentication: DIGIPASS/Password during Grace Period
    • Dynamic User Registration: No

You will also need to register a client component.

To create a client component for an integrated website

  1. Launch the Administration Web Interface.
  2. Go to Clients > Register.
  3. Create a client component with the following recommended settings:

    • Client Type: This should match the client type set in the website configuration file (i.e. web.config).
    • Location: IP address or computer name of the web server
    • Policy ID: Name of the Policy you created earlier
    • Protocol ID: SOAP

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