Configuring Multiple Wireless Access Points
  • 08 Jan 2025
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Configuring Multiple Wireless Access Points

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Résumé de l’article

If multiple wireless access points are used, you have the option of allowing roaming connections between them.

The ability of a supplicant to perform a fast reconnect with OneSpan Authentication Server, and roam between wireless access points, depends on two factors:

  • SSID. If a wireless access point's SSID is identical to that of the wireless access point with which the current session was created, the supplicant will be able to attempt a fast reconnect.
  • Policy. If the component record of the wireless access point passing on a fast reconnect request uses the same policy as the component record of the wireless access point with which the current session was created, OneSpan Authentication Server will process the fast reconnect request.

No roaming wireless connections

Having no roaming wireless connections means that a user will be required to perform a full authentication when moving to a new wireless access point. To configure the system this way, you need to set each wireless access point's SSID to a different value.

Allow roaming wireless connections

Where roaming connections will be used, assign the same SSID to all wireless access points in each zone.

Roaming wireless connections – Assigning the same SSID to all wireless access points

Figure: Roaming wireless connections – Assigning the same SSID to all wireless access points

Table: Policy and component record details when allowing roaming wireless connections
Roaming connections, one zonePolicy recordsCreate one policy record only.
Component recordsLink all component records to that policy.
Roaming connections, multiple zonesPolicy recordCreate a policy record with the required settings, and create as many copies of it as you have roaming zones.
Component recordsAssign each policy to a wireless roaming zone. Component records for each wireless access point in a roaming zone should be assigned to the same policy.
Roaming wireless connections – Policy and component record details

Figure: Roaming wireless connections – Policy and component record details

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