Configuring Net-SNMP
  • 14 Jan 2025
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Configuring Net-SNMP

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Résumé de l’article

If you installed OneSpan Authentication Server in basic mode, Net-SNMP is installed, but must be configured manually after the installation if required.

To configure Net-SNMP

  1. Launch the OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Utility.
  2. Switch to the SNMP tab.
  3. Select Override SNMP configuration.
  4. Configure SNMP:

    1. Type the IP address and the port to use for SNMPv3 requests.

      By default, the SNMP agent will run on the local host and listen on port 161.

    2. Type a security name.
    3. Configure either authentication only or both of the following:

      • Authentication type. Specifies whether messages sent will be signed and which protocol to use for signing: None, MD5, or SHA.
      • Privacy type. Specifies whether messages sent will be encrypted and which protocol to use for encryption: None, AES, or DES.

      These two configurations set which authentication (MD5 or SHA) and privacy (AES or DES) protocols to use for SNMPv3 requests. When enabling and configuring authentication and privacy type, include a passphrase (authentication/privacy secret) for it.

      When you configure SNMP targets, make sure to set either the authentication type only or both authentication and privacy type for a complete trap configuration in the OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Utility, i.e. you cannot set a privacy type without setting an authentication type.

      Only the following combinations for SNMP communication are valid:

      • Without authentication and privacy (both set to None).
      • With authentication, but without privacy.
      • With authentication and privacy.

    For more information about configuring the initial SNMPv3 user, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide.

  5. Click OK to save the SNMP configuration and restart the SNMP service.

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