Configuring the text file audit method
  • 07 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Configuring the text file audit method

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Résumé de l’article

A number of variables may be included in the name or path of an audit text file (see Table: Audit text file name/path variables). Time/date variables will influence how often a new text file is created.

Table:  Audit text file name/path variables
Variable nameDescription
{year}Current year in format 'YYYY', e.g. 2006.
{month}Current month in format 'MM', e.g. November becomes 11.
{mday}Current day of the month in format 'DD', e.g. 06.
{yday}Current day of the year in format 'DDD'. This will be a number between 1 and 366.

Current week of the year in format 'WW', e.g. the 6th week of the year will be 06.

{source}The name of the program from which the audit message was received by the audit system, e.g. Auhentication Server.

Assume the following audit text file name:

C:\Audit Files\{source}\audit-{year}-{month}-{mday}.audit

OneSpan Authentication Server will generate a subfolder named IDENTIKEY Authentication Server in the C:\Audit Files folder. Inside that folder:

  • A new audit text file will be created daily.
  • A file named audit-2023-11-06.audit will be created on the 6th November 2023.

To configure OneSpan Authentication Server to use the text file audit method

  1. Start the Configuration Utility.
  2. Click the Auditing icon.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Select Text File from the list box.
  5. Click OK.

    The Add Text File Method dialog appears.

    1. Enter a name in the Display Name field. This name will only be used for display purposes.

      If this audit method must succeed, select the Reject audit message if this method fails box. An error will be returned by OneSpan Authentication Server if an audit message cannot be written with this method.

    2. If required, select the Record audit message if no other audit method has recorded it box.
    3. Select one or more audit message types to be logged by this plug-in:

      • Error
      • Warning
      • Information
      • Success
      • Failure
  6. Enter the location and a name for the text file (see Table: Audit text file name/path variables).
  7. To speed up the auditing process, select Always keep file open. This means that the file is locked while OneSpan Authentication Server is running.
  8. Select Use GMT/UTC to record dates and times in GMT/UTC. Otherwise, they will be recorded in local time. The text file will indicate the time zone used.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Apply.

If text file auditing is used, your organization will need to ensure that GDPR is met by encrypting the folder or disk containing the audit text files.

For more information about GDPR, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide.

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