Creating a delegated administrator
  • 24 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Creating a delegated administrator

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Résumé de l’article

This topic describes how to create a delegated administrator.

To create a delegated administrator

  1. Determine the administrative scope of the administrator. The following options exist:

    • All Domains. Choose this option if the administrator should be able to perform administrative operations for all domains. This option should be used for system administrators.
    • Single Domain. Choose this option if the administrator should be able to perform administrative operations for a single domain. This option is advised for domain user administrators.
  2. Create the user in the necessary domain (see Creating a user account).
  3. Assign administrative privileges to the user:

    1. Navigate to USERS > List.
    2. Select the user.
    3. Switch to the Admin Privileges tab.
    4. Click EDIT.
    5. Assign (at least) the following administrative privileges:

      • Administrative Logon
      • Set Administrative Privileges
    6. If you want to allow the delegated administrator to manage more than one domain, select the respective domains in the DOMAIN SCOPE section.
    7. Click SAVE.

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