Creating a New Virtual Machine
  • 26 Dec 2024
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Creating a New Virtual Machine

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Résumé de l’article

Before you can install your OneSpan Authentication Server Virtual Appliance instance, you need to create a new virtual machine (VM) with the Hyper-V Manager application.

Creating a new virtual machine

To create a new virtual machine (VM)

  1. Start Hyper-V Manager.
  2. Select Action > New > Virtual Machine.

    Create a new virtual machine

    Figure: Create a new virtual machine

    The New Virtual Machine Wizard appears.

  3. On the Before You Begin page, click Next to begin.
  4. On the Specify Name and Location page, enter a name for your virtual machine, e.g. OneSpan Authentication Server Virtual Appliance. Optionally, you can also change the default location of the virtual machine.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard – Specify name and location

    Figure: New Virtual Machine Wizard – Specify name and location

  5. On the Specify Generation page, select Generation 1.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard – Specify generation

    Figure: New Virtual Machine Wizard – Specify generation

  6. On the Assign Memory page, specify the amount of memory that must be allocated for the new virtual machine. The absolute minimum is 1,024 MB. We recommend 2,048 MB or even 4,096 MB for production use.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard – Assign memory

    Figure: New Virtual Machine Wizard – Assign memory

  7. On the Configure Networking page, select the Intel® PRO/100 PM Network Connection - Virtual Switch network adapter.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard – Configure Networking

    Figure: New Virtual Machine Wizard – Configure networking

  8. On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk page, select Create a new virtual hard disk, select its location, and set the disk size. Make sure that the size is at least 32 GB. We recommend 100 GB for production use.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard – Connect virtual hard disk

    Figure: New Virtual Machine Wizard – Connect virtual hard disk

  9. On the Installation Options page, select Install an operating system from a boot CD/DVD-ROM, and browse to the location of the ISO image file. Click Finish to complete the process.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard – Installation options

    Figure: New Virtual Machine Wizard – Installation options

    The new virtual machine is being created. The next steps involve starting the virtual machine to install OneSpan Authentication Server Virtual Appliance.

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