Creating Secure Auditing Certificate Files Manually
  • 07 Jan 2025
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Creating Secure Auditing Certificate Files Manually

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Résumé de l’article

Manually created Secure Auditing certificate files must be generated from supported elliptic curve keys. Secure Auditing for OneSpan Authentication Server only supports elliptic curve keys that are:

  • NIST P-256 compliant
  • Stored in PKCS #12 format
  • Password-protected (i.e. empty password is not valid)

Additionally, the certificate file must meet the following requirements:

  • It must be in the correct file format:

    • If you are installing the certificate file via the Configuration Wizard during installation, it should be in .pem file format
    • If you are installing the certificate file via the Configuration Utility, it should be in .p12 file format.
  • The elliptic curve must be password-protected (i.e. an empty password is not valid).
  • The certificate must be generated from the elliptic curve key.
  • The elliptic curve key must be placed in the certificate file.

To manually generate your own secure auditing certificate file, you can use openssl.

OneSpan Authentication Server ships with a specific version of the OpenSSL utility. We recommend that you use this version for any procedures involving the openssl command.

By default, this specific version of OpenSSL is located in %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\bin on Windows and in /opt/vasco/ias/bin on Linux, respectively.

Typical steps to manually generate a secure auditing certificate file

  1. Open a command-line terminal.
  2. Create an elliptic curve key file (in this case, named tmp.pem) via the following command:

    openssl ecparam -out tmp.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey

  3. Set the elliptic curve key file as password-protected. To do so, run the following command in a different command-line terminal:

    openssl ec -in tmp.pem -des3 -out key.pem -passout pass:password

    The output of this command is a valid, password-protected, elliptic curve key file named key.pem.

  4. Generate a certificate file (in this case, named cert.pem) from the password-protected elliptic curve key:

    openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -sha256 -out cert.pem -days 3650

The next step depends on how you plan to install the certificate file:

  • If you plan to install the certificate file via the Maintenance Wizard (e.g. during installation), then merge the contents of both password-protected elliptic curve key and the generated certificate file into a third PEM file.

    On Linux, you can do so via the cat command:

    cat key.pem cert.pem > audit.pem

    This command outputs the contents of key.pem and cert.pem into audit.pem, which you can install via the Maintenance Wizard.

  • If you plan to install the certificate file via the Configuration Utility, import the password-protected elliptic curve key and the generated certificate file into a PKCS#12-formatted certificate file.

    To do so, use the following command:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey key.pem -name "Test Certificate" -out testaudit.p12

    This command outputs a certificate file named testaudit.p12, which you can then install via the Configuration Utility.

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